Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for your prayers. It has been too long since the previous prayer letter. Our internet in our house was out of order for nearly 4 weeks. So we didn’t do much on-line except emergencies.
The Cyclone missed Honiara, at least the brunt of the cyclone missed us. We had some high winds and lots of rain but nothing serious. The Bible College students I asked you to pray for in their travels home, did not get far as they held up for a week at Russell Island before proceeding on to the West. They did arrive home safely, even though it was a week late. We tried to convince them to stay in Honiara for a week but the ship was sailing and they were anxious to get home.
Easter Programs:
Pray for the Easter camp and program at our Zion Church and other churches in the Solomon Islands. Our camp in Honiara begins on Thursday night and goes through Monday. We have services each evening and Good Friday morning and Easter Sunday morning. Remember me as I preach the Good Friday message. Our NYI will lead the service, and perform the crucifixion drama. Actually each service we will have a drama re-enacting a different part of the Easter story. The men’s ministry on Thursday will dramatize the Last Supper. Then the women’s ministry will dramatize the resurrection on Easter Sunday Morning. Nancy taught a course (or rather facilitated a time of discussion) at the women conference. I just passed by as they were discussing some interesting things about marriage. I was asked some questions and threw in my ten cents worth. I’m not sure what exactly I told the women, but they have requested us to teach this same “good stuff” to their husbands. So on Saturday we are to teach a class to the married couples. I guess I need to try to remember what I shared. I’m not sure if the men and women are separate or together. I guess I need to find out soon, as I was thinking I’d leave the preparation to Nancy and just throw in a few nuggets here and there. Pray for Nancy or maybe both of us as we prepare to answer their questions and lead a discussion. We do want to equip couples so they can live together in harmony and really be “Team mates”.
ZCA School Break:
School one-week break begins on Thursday 1 April and classes will resume on Monday April 12. Pray for Nancy and the school during this break time.
Trip to Malaita:
I have a trip planned to Malaita on April 9th, to return to Honiara on 12th or 13th. Pray for this trip.
Solomon Island Infrastructure:
Pray for the infrastructure in the country, as we are now go without public electricity for 4 hours every day. They cut the power from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The most productive part of the day we have no power. I do have an electric generator but it is not powerful enough to run the photocopier and many other things around the house. Daily power outages have been going on for years, but it is progressively worse. We now have our own water from our well. So far we have good sunshine and so our solar pump pumps during the day but by the next morning the storage tank is empty. I am looking into another pump to transfer the water to our storage tank. Our public water supply is pretty poor and we have to be able to transfer enough water from our well so the storage tank will not run dry at night. Pray for us as we conserve water. Mobile phones have been hopeless. They have installed a new system and we are optimistic that this will solve a lot of the problems. I was wondering when I awoke this morning and had no bars on the phone and SIM card had failed. We are about 500 meters as the crow flies from the nearest tower. I don’t know if the bugs are all out of the mobile system or not.
Your Partners in His Ministry,
George & Nancy Miller