Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for your prayers. We have been so busy that I have not taken time to write. During these times of silence on our part, please continue with your intercession. I really appreciate those of you who have inquired about our silence. Your prayers have sustained us.
Home Assignment Date Change:
Please note our home assignment dates have been changed. We have moved the date forward one year. Now we will leave for the USA on 7 December 2010 (this year). We will only take a 3 month furlough, instead of the 1-year previously planned (2012), and will be available for deputation services through 6 March 2011. We are trusting the Lord and praying that even with this change we will have a full slate of services. Be in prayer supporting us. God has always blessed us with a full schedule and we know as we are faithful He will make up the difference. We will be residing with or near our grandchildren, which is in the Dallas & Oklahoma City areas, but we do not mind the travel and would love to get to our LINKS district(s). We realize that district tours have probably already been set, but we are available if you can work us in.
The dates of our upcoming Home Assignment - Dec 7, 2010 – March 6, 2011
For those of you who have booked your missionary speakers and unable to have us early 2011, here are the dates for our next home assignment (Mar. 16, 2013 - June 15, 2013). Looking forward to seeing you. Please contact us if you would like a deputation service.
Bible College Class & Trip to Western Province:
Bible College Class ended Friday. This is the main thing that kept me busy. During the block classes we hold two classes per day for 2 and half weeks. Sometimes we use visiting teachers, but this time I did the teaching, and it certainly keeps me busy. The classes are over now except grading of the final homework assignments and turning in the grades. We had 10 students this time. We were down some but last time we had eight or so students come in from Western Province but I felt for that many students I should travel there and teach a satellite course. It should be less expensive for one teacher to travel to Munda than for 8 to 10 students to travel to Honiara. Pray for me as I prepare to depart for this class on June 19th. Pray for Pastor Alick Hagi and the Munda congregation as they prepare to host the Bible College Class.
During this trip (June 19 – July 3) I plan to also travel around, following the 1-week course in Munda. I plan on visiting two churches in the Western Province (Iriiri Pasapasa and Barakoma). They have both built a new church building and I need to go check on them and get some photos to send to the donors. Pray for Jimmy Kwaisui as he leads the church in Iriiri Pasapasa. Pray for Kendrick Lonisasa in Barakoma.
Pray for this trip as I will also check in Munda on the progress of the land application. While in Iriiri I will see about the possibility of CBHC (Community Based Health Care) working there. Then I will check on the newly started “kindy” school that these two communities are operating.
During this time away I will not be on-line, but Nancy will be at home and will be able to reply.
Pastors and leaders:
Pray for pastors called into the ministry. Pray for local leadership as we move forward. We need to identify some diploma graduates to send for further schooling to obtain their bachelor’s degree. We have a need of Bible College teachers. Any gifts toward a scholarship fund to assist qualified students with their tuition and transportation costs, would be appreciated.
Honiara Church:
The Honiara church under the leadership of pastor Jeremiah Akoeasi has really caught a vision to help others. They are a missional church and are looking at ministry opportunities these days. It is exciting seeing the paradigm shift in this way. Their church tithes and offering is up and their giving for others, which is a reflection of their emphases. Continue to pray for our Honiara church as they have had some struggles in recent weeks. Continue to pray for our youth (last prayer letter I sent you their names).
On a related note, Sunday I was informed that they are beginning a preaching point in the White River area. Pray for this new work. We have a number of members that travel from the White River area to our Zion Church and it will be great having a church near their residence.
ZCA School Break and ACE Training:
ZCA (Zion Christian Academy) will have their semester break beginning June 18. Our teachers will be involved in an ACE training course. There is a couple from New Zealand visiting the Solomon Islands who will be conducting training for ACE teachers in the Solomon’s.
Water update:
Thank you for your prayers and support for this project. It is much improvement, but for some reason I still haven’t achieved my aim which is when you turn on a tap water comes out. I’m trying to figure out if the supply is inadequate, or we are leaving the taps open and wasting water or a combination. We are using solar power to save money on electricity.
Speaking of utilities, the power has been really dependable lately. There have been only a few blackouts over the past few weeks and usually they have only lasted for minutes. Thank you for your prayers.
Pray for Ezra and his chicken project. The chickens are ready to dress and sell now. Pray that he will have a good market for his birds. He is doing this to raise money for his school fees. He is a hard working young man. I’m trying to help him with entrepreneurial skills. He feels God has called him into ministry, and desires to serve the Lord when he finishes school.
Your Partners in His Ministry,
George & Nancy Miller
PO Box 712
Honiara, Solomon Islands