Prayer Requests:
Bible College Classes/Pastor’s conference
I need you prayers during the next 3 weeks. Wednesday 15th we begin Bible College classes. The 15th – 21st I will teach a course on Church Growth and Evangelism. This is a 1-week intensive block course – 6 hours per day for 5 days. That will keep me busy.
Dave McEwan for NTC Brisbane will arrive on 21st and then hold 2 courses – Theology 1 in the morning and New Testament Survey in the evening.
Then following the Bible College Class we will hold a National Pastor’s/wives/District Leaders Conference. This will be for 3 days – Oct 5th-8th. Pray for Rev Peter Degene as he is coming from Papua New Guinea for this conference.
Prayer Updates:
National Elections:
National Elections:
The National Elections are over and we have a new Prime Minister and Government. Pray for them as they have big challenges ahead of them. There were only a few election incidences: 1. the water pump and gardens from a high school was damaged and disrupted forcing the week closure of the school. 2. In another area some ballot boxes were burned. 3. Then a celebration party got out of hand and ended with a man being shot by the RAMSI police force. If you are interested in more Solomon Islands political or national news you can check Solomon times on-line or Solomon Star web.
Schools in Honiara were dismissed for the elections and the town was busy as it was a school holiday but the businesses were open. I routinely shop on Wednesdays because that is the day when the town is less crowded and I can finish my business in a fraction of the time, but the election Wednesday was equal to a Friday.
Schools in Honiara were dismissed for the elections and the town was busy as it was a school holiday but the businesses were open. I routinely shop on Wednesdays because that is the day when the town is less crowded and I can finish my business in a fraction of the time, but the election Wednesday was equal to a Friday.

(Community Based Health Care) Trip
Dr. Becky Morsch, a Missionary based in PNG, visited Solomon Islands from August 21st through September 6th. She held CBHC workshop and training in two communities in the Western Province of Solomon Islands. Mairy Walesara, our district Women’s Ministry President, and treasurer accompanied her on this trip. I went along for the first week of the two-week trip. The courses were well attended and received. We trust that they will implement the things that they learned.
The first week we went to village of Iriiri Pasapasa on the island of Kohiggo in the Vona vona lagoon. There were representatives in attendance from 10 different communities around the church. We’re praying that this will make a big impact in their lives.
Then the second week’s workshop was held in Munda at the Sovereign Grace, Church of the Nazarene. I returned after the Sunday morning service to prepare for the Bible College/pastor’s conferences schedules, but Becky and Mairy reported many blessing from this time.
Then the second week’s workshop was held in Munda at the Sovereign Grace, Church of the Nazarene. I returned after the Sunday morning service to prepare for the Bible College/pastor’s conferences schedules, but Becky and Mairy reported many blessing from this time.
Thank you for your prayers as I was sick for one day with stomach flu or something and Becky was ill the next day while in Iriiri. Mairy went as a translator and also so she would know how to teach the course. With Becky sick that afforded her an excellent opportunity to teach. Pray for Mairy as she has retired from NPF (National Provident Fund) after 21 or so years and is giving her time now serving the Lord. She is kept busy with our District and SICA (Solomon Islands Christian Association).
Your Partners in His Ministry,George Miller, District Superintendent
Solomon Islands District - Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109 Mobile: 677 74 68920
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