Monday, December 12, 2011

Prayer update - 12 December 2011

Dear Friends and Family;
Here’s a long over-due update; 

Thank you for your prayers.  I will try to fill you in on what’s happening on our side of the world.

It has been busy and hectic we are.  I trust we have been remembered in prayer.  We arrived home from the regional mission conference to proceed immediately into the district assembly.  Following district assembly I went to a church opening, now we are into the school Christmas, graduation, and closing for the year.

Regional Missional Leadership Conference:  (October 26-30, 2011)
The missional leadership conference was attended by Nancy and I plus four other leaders from the Solomon Islands.   (Picture shows from L-R Mairy, Nancy, George, Jimmy, Jeremiah, and Gibson) Thank you for your prayers.  It was the day of our departure, about 2 hours before we needed to be at the air port before we picked up the last person’s Visa into Australia.  We were met with challenges and obstacles in getting our team there, but God met our needs.   It was a delight seeing many of our friends from across the Asia Pacific and meeting new friends too.  The sessions and workshops were really challenging.  We witnessed a lot of different
James and Della Du
(Seminary Students from PNG)
 scenarios of how people are making Christ-like disciples.  We are a missional church and want to passionately take the love of Jesus and the message of holiness and hope to people who are hurting and broken.  We witnessed how Christ is moving and reaching others in countries across the Asia Pacific and around the world.  As our team met together processing the information we thought of ways we can make a difference in the lives of people in the Solomon’s.

District  Assembly: (November 8-12, 2011)
Following regional missional conference we had a week to get ready for the District Assembly and meeting.  I intended to send out the prayer letter concerning the Missional Leadership conference during that week.  But I was not ready for the assembly and there were so many loose ends to tidy up.  November 8th arrived even though I did not feel prepared.  It was good because we were fresh from the trip to Manila and the sessions and what we learned were fresh on our mind.  It was a chance to re-teach what we learned in Manila. 

We showed a 30% increase in church membership this year, bringing our total membership to 409.  The increase in membership is large due to  the new starts in White River area around Honiara and Vella la Vella, Western Province.  There are many Christians (95% or so) in the Solomon Islands, but many of these are Christians in name only.  Pray that the light of Jesus will shine so bright in the Solomon’s that people will be under such conviction and come into a serious relationship with Jesus, the glorious light.

Church Dedication at Kwailatutu: (November 26-27)
The Kwailatutu church completed their church building and had invited me to attend their dedication and official opening of their new church building.  The opening service was Friday night 25th.  I wanted to get  there for the opening but the ship that travels daily to the area was being refitted and so was out of commission.  The airport in Auki is closed due to land owner dispute.  (This is a frequent problem with that air strip.)  I thought I would cancel the trip but the church there called and insisted that I attend, so I booked the Friday night ship and would have to delay until Tuesday my return to Honiara. 

I want to thank you for your prayers.  I’m not sure what happened to me, but we departed Honiara at 6 p.m. and arrived in Auki around midnight.  After we waited for transport and drove the 1 hour or so to Kwailatutu it was 3:30 am Saturday when we arrived at our destination.  I was probably exhausted but I went to sleep and got up at 8:00 a.m. washed up and got ready for the opening service.  After the dedication service (11 a.m.) I told Ezra that I was going to go and rest, but he should awake me when the meal was ready.  The meal was right outside the house where I was “resting” but the next thing I remember is 2:30 when the boys came into the house and I aroused and asked them, “Is is time to eat yet?”  I was told the meal was finished and I dosed back off to sleep.  At this point I didn’t have a mattress or even a mat on my bed.  I covered the boards with my towel and slept.  I slept until 9:00 a.m. or so the next morning.  I have never slept so soundly in my life before.  I didn’t experience many of the things that frequent my sleep, especially when sleeping on a boards.  For example, I didn’t dream about anything, don’t remember rolling over to change position and get more comfortable, my back did not hurt when I finally awoke, my arms or legs did not go to sleep, etc.  After I finally awoke on Sunday morning I was fine and felt great.  People told me that my Saturday Dedication sermon was powerful, but I haven’t a clue what I said.  God for sure preached that sermon as I must have been preaching in my sleep.  After the Sunday morning service, one lady felt sorry for me and brought me a 6 inch foam mattress to use.

The Kwailatutu church is a vibrant church.  They have some people attending this church who have really experienced God and his transforming power in an awesome way.  It is such a delight to be with these wonderful people.

Water Situation/Update:
Some have been asking about our water situation and about the Solar system we installed.  Right before we took off for Manila the solar pump went out.  I need to have the pump serviced but it may have to wait until after the new year now, as thing in the Solomon’s are beginning to slow down. 

Leadership direction for the Solomon Islands:
As missionary DS, I desire to turn over the DS responsibility to a local person.  When I first arrived in the Solomon’s I felt within the first (2 yr.) term we would have a local DS in place.  This past assembly I gave my 13th annual report to the District Assembly.  We have some capable leaders in our church in the Solomon’s.  There are some challenges as we localize, but I feel there are more challenges and obstacles with a foreigner in the DS role.  Someone from this culture will definitely understand the people of the Solomon Islands better than a Western Missionary.  They can relate better.  Join me in prayer for this transition to a local DS.  I’m praying and believing God that by next assembly we will have one named.  In this transition period, I am putting more responsibility onto the District Advisory Board in the decision making process.  This is going to be a tough year for me, so pray for me and the development of the church in the Solomon’s.

Bible College Classes:
I will be conducting more Bible College Classes this next year in an attempt to prepare more pastors for ordination.   I would like to broaden the leadership base so we will have a greater selection of potential leaders.  I hope to have at least 5 pastors or so ready for ordination by next assembly.  Right now I am conducting a Monday and Thursday night class.  Now we have taken a break for the holidays and will resume classes after the New Year.  I plan to hold this class ongoing throughout this next year.  This will be mainly for students living around Honiara. 

Zion Christian Academy:
ZCA had their school closing last week.  Pray for the school as they need another classroom.  School is out but Nancy is still working as the grade 12 graduates need to finish up a little work for an ACE certificate.

Pray for Nancy as she will have a minor surgery on Wednesday 14th to release a trigger finger (I never heard of this before now.) 

Home Assignment:
It seems we just returned to the field, but now looking at the calendar it is just a little over a year before it will be time for home assignment.  If you would like to have us for a district tour, Faith Promise Service,  Convention speaker, Children/youth or Caravan rally, or any other type of sharing, just let us know. 

Home Assignment Dates: March 16 – June 15, 2013

Scheduled services: (If you have scheduled a service and it does not appear below please notify us.)
Carnegie Oklahoma – March 24
NE Indiana District Tour – April 7-14
Indianapolis District Tour – April 20-28
(Note: Our Sunday’s fill up fast so our home churches and Districts who wish us to tour should book soon.)

3rd Wave:
Pray for our two delegates to go to 3rd wave.  It will take a miracle during this Christmas season for them to get their travel documents in order to be able to fly out by December 31st.  We often wait until the last minute to get moving. This is one of the sicknesses we have in the Solomon’s.  The two don’t even have a Passport yet.  Fortunately in our small country where everyone knows everyone, it doesn’t require a long time to get things done when given to the right person (friend or relative).

Your partner in His Ministry,

George Miller

Thursday, October 20, 2011

prayer update

Dear Prayer partner,


Thanks for your prayers.  Here is an update.


Bible College Classes:

We had a total of 30 students attend the Bible College.  For those who may not know our structure, we are a satellite campus of the South Pacific Nazarene Theological College.  We have campuses in Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu, Guam, as well as Solomon Islands.  I have turned the grades in and we are anticipating our next course in February 2012.  At that time Nancy will teach Christian Education and George will teach Pastoral Care, an Introduction to Pastoral Ministry. 


Our Bible College facilities is our house.  The downstairs is made into a classroom, which also doubles as a dormitory during Bible College.  We have a small room with three triple-deck bunk beds to accommodate male students.  We have a room where we house our library and text books.  This past block course the two female students slept in the library.  We only have one classroom and this year we used our living room as a second classroom as we had two classes simultaneously.  We have the block classes which is great but it is expensive for people from the outer islands to travel into Honiara.  We need a plan to get the BC training to the pastors and church leaders in the province.  Pray that the Lord will raise up those who will re-teach the courses at their home island.


It is always great having Dr. David McEwan, our dear friend and professor at the NTC, Brisbane, Australia, with us.  This is his 7th consecutive year to come up and teach a block course.  He is a regular on our staff.  Be in prayer for the NTC, Brisbane as they are facing some challenges.  Our students really connect well with David. 


During our class we were also blessed by the visit of our friend Peter Yost, currently stationed with his wife Candy in New Zealand and working with Campus Crusade for Christ.  He spent four days in the Solomon Islands and we offered him a bed in our home for the time he was here.  Then we had another surprise visit from our friends Bill and Sharon Biebers with MAI [Medical A International].  We enjoyed a Sunday evening dinner together as they were getting ready to return to Papua New Guinea.  It was great catching up with these dear friends and partners in His ministry.  


Regional Leadership Conference:

All of our tickets are purchased, all but one of the Visas is picked up and the last one should be ready today, and we are preparing to depart Monday to Manila via Australia.  Pray for our trip, as yesterday there was news of an impending strike action involving airline personnel.  The district leaders that will be going are; Jeremiah Akoeasi, pastor of our Zion church; Mairy Walesara, District Women’s ministry president and District Treasurer; Jimmy Olofisau, Circuit Pastor of the Malaita Circuit and pastor of Kwailatutu Church; Gibson Pina, Associate pastor of the Munda Church; along with Nancy and George Miller. 


Pray for us as we attend this conference and then as we return, because the very next week we will be in District Assembly.  At that assembly we will conduct workshops with the idea of bringing the things learned at the conference and implementing them at the district level.


Pray for ZCA as Nancy will be away from her role as principal for the week to attend the conference.


3rd Wave Youth Conference:

Pray for our two youth Rex Daga, from Munda Church, and Nicholson Donga, from the Zion Church as they prepare to attend the 3rd Wave conference in January 2012.  Time is rapidly approaching and these boys would like you to remember them in prayer in their fund raising efforts.  This conference will be held in Thailand.  Please remember them in your prayers.


Rex is a single man who works in the Munda Church as a school teacher in their newly established school and he works with the NYI in the Munda Church.  Nicholson is the NYI President in the Zion Church, Honiara.



If you would like to volunteer in missions there are many worldwide opportunities, in the SI as well as other countries.  In the Solomon’s we have a couple work and witness projects (or we could use even a builder to supervise local carpenters), teacher to help with the Bible College classes, etc.  For more information you can write or check out the blog and web site below.


World Evangelism Fund:

For our many Nazarene Prayer supporters, please continue to be generous and faithful with your Faith Promise offering for World Evangelism.  I also want to thank you for the Alabaster offering received in September.  We pray that this year’s Thanksgiving offering will be abundant. 


For my growing team of non-Nazarene prayer warriors, I did not mean to exclude you, if you would like to make a financial contribution please contact us for information.  Most importantly we thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.


To everyone, thanks for your prayers and financial support for missions.  It’s partners like you who enrich HIS Kingdom.


Your Partners in His Ministry,

George Miller

Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene

PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands

Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920

USA Contact:

c/o 4994 Highway 78 S

Nevada, TX   75173

Responsibility - Developer - Positivity - Woo - Empathy


Sunday, September 11, 2011


 Dear Prayer Partner,

Greetings from the Solomon Islands. 

I want to share these two testimonies with you:
            One Sunday [August 28, 2011] I was sitting in the Honiara Zion Church, the worship team was singing and getting prepared for the worship service to begin, and I felt a prompting from the Lord that I should go to the New Start Church at White River.  The White River Church is a daughter church of the Zion Church.  Pastor Osborn, district NMI President and family, and Salome, a high school teacher at Zion, and her family were the ones who had the vision for this church. 

            This church was started among the children and with a special focus on prayer.  It is awesome seeing the children getting excited about the things of God.  The children’s ministry at the White River church is called the “Heavenly Kids” ministry.  They began meeting under a make shift tabernacle beside pastor Osborn’s house, until a strong wind came one day and tore the plastic tarp that they used for the roof.  After that incident happened they moved the church to an incomplete building nearby (The building has a cement floor, and roof but no walls.)  They have been renting that for a modest amount of money for a few months now.  The children attendance has really grown to where they now are running 70 or more children plus a few adults.
            Every Saturday evening the pastor and  a large group of his “Heavenly Kids” prayer warriors walk up the near-by “Prayer” mountain for a time of prayer in preparation for the Sunday service.  The children are working on the parents, praying for them, witnessing to them, and encouraging them to attend the service.  The church without walls is very nice as the parents are beginning to attend but they feel unworthy to come into the church building but they attend and set in another open outbuilding nearby and listen to the service.  These kids are really on fire for the Lord.
    (Tautau in the Center)
(Elizabeth and Margaret on Left)

 Now let me tell you the testimony of Elizabeth, one of the Mother’s who started attending a few weeks ago.  Her daughter Margaret (age 8) became involved in the Heavenly Kids ministry and began to talk to her mother.  So Elizabeth joined her daughter and came to church for the first time in 42 years.  She has never been to church since she was a small child.  While she was there she heard the message preached by Bro. Dickson Manongi, a layman from the Zion church.  She responded to the altar call and began her spiritual journey.  The Sunday that Nancy and I attended was now maybe two weeks later, so Elizabeth was now just 2-week in her walk with the Lord.  The Saturday night before we attended Elizabeth wanted to go with them to the prayer mountain.  She still had some spiritual bondage from her past life.  As they went up the mountain the demon inside of her revealed itself.  She had been in spiritual bondage to this evil spirit.  She lashed out at Pastor Osborn and he had a swollen lip to show for it as Osborn shared, “The demon tried to kill him.”  The children were afraid and ran off.  Osborn calling upon the name of Jesus, cast out the demon.  The children then witnessed the transforming power of God.  Now here we are the very next morning in the Sunday morning worship service hearing this testimony.  Elizabeth as she shared her testimony told that she is now free.  Pray for these children and their unsaved parents as there are many like Elizabeth who are under spiritual bondage and need delivered.
            Pastor Osborn told me that his house is like a clinic where people come for him to pray for them.  They are witnessing many miracles,  as people are being saved, healed, and delivered.  The Lord is at work in the White River community.  Pray for this church.  They have two from the community volunteering at our Zion school as they have a plan to start an early childhood school in White River, to teach the children how to read and better prepare them.
            Recently they took their Alabaster Offering and Osborn brought me the offering of nearly $350 (US $70).  One boy brought a heavy box of coins and put in the offering.  They counted the coins and there were $107 in coins.  Tautau had been saving the coins for a long time but heard Pastor give the Alabaster appeal and wanted to give this collection to Jesus.  Pray for Tautau. 
Tautau is a natural leader and so enthusiastic about the things of God.  Before Osborn and family, Salome and family, and the Zion church started the White River church these children were all unreached.  Tautau was gloriously saved at a combined children’s camp [Zion and White River].  Recently they had a fund raising night where they had light refreshments, coffee, and entertainment to try to raise some funds to help their outreach as well as to minister to and reach the un-churched.  For the entertainment the Heavenly Kids sang and some of the children gave their testimonies.   It is one thing to give your testimony in the church with the Christian family but quite different to give your testimony where your unsaved family are present.  I was setting toward the front and so did not really notice his family’s reaction, but as he shared about his life before his salvation he paused and said to his family, “You can laugh, but this is the truth.”  He shared a powerful testimony of how Christ changed his life.  Pray for Tautau and the “Heavenly Kids” and the White River Community.

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX   75173

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Responsibility - Developer - Positivity - Woo - Empathy

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10, 2011 Update

Dear Prayer

Thank you for your Prayers.  Here is an update from our last prayer letter.

Children’s Camp {The following is from a report written by Doris Manongi the Zion Church of the Nazarene Sunday School President.
Greetings to you in Christ’s name.  It is a joy for me to testify about the love of Christ and what he has been doing in the lives of our children here.
We had about 90 children (plus adult sponsors) attend the camp.  49 of these came from the White River Church (Which is our daughter mission church) and the other 40+ from our local Zion Church of the Nazarene.  Our theme: from Matthew 19:14 “ ‘Let the little children come to me,’ Jesus said”.  The White River Church is mostly made up of children and these children come from various backgrounds, like divorced parents, unsaved parents, single parents, and for most of these children their parents never attend church.  The children are so excited to serve Christ.  During our camp five children gave their life to the Lord.  [Many went to the altar but five shared their testimony.]  We believe the children are the open door through which we can reach out to their parents. 

Chris Testified to being Saved at Children's Camp.

White River Children Choir

·         Pray that God will move mightily in the lives of these children.   They are increasing in numbers.
·         Pray for Pastor Osborne [Pastor of White River] and wife Hilda who are looking after them for God’s grace and strength.
·         Pray for the Sunday School teachers that they will have the passion for teaching and reaching the lives of these children in the Word of God and His love.
·         Pray that through these children we’ll be able to bring the parents and adults to Christ.
In His Service , Doris Manongi

Note from George:   Thank you for praying for the Children’s camp it was a tremendous success.

Miller’s Trip to Australia:
We had a wonderful time in Australia.   Thank you for your prayer support.  The first part of our trip we attended the South Pacific Leaders Conference.  This is an annual conference held for leaders/teachers of schools in the South Pacific using the A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum.  This is my first time to attend (Nancy’s second time).  The theme of the conference was from Romans 8:37, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”  The 3-day conference was busy with workshops, including testimonies, and a special guest presenter from South Africa.  It was great meeting the people from S.C.E.E. (Southern Cross Education Enterprises, which administers the A.C.E. curriculum.
Following the conference we stayed at the Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane.  It was a time of relaxation and people asked what I wanted to do.  We had no agenda and no rushing around.  We got in some excellent church services. In the two Sundays there we were spiritually enriched by attending and fellowshipping in three different churches, sitting in a few hours of class at NTC (taught by guest lecturer, Dr. Deirdre Brower Latz), attended morning prayer at the NTC as they began the 40 days of prayer, George attended a men’s chat group and Nancy a lady’s chatter group at a coffee shop in the shopping mall, and God really met with us.
As we were preparing to leave for vacation we ran out of water and LP gas.  Bible College just concluded and some of the students stayed around and it didn’t rain so our rain tank was running low.  We were doing our last load of laundry on early Monday morning the day of our departure and the rain tank ran dry.   We keep two 6 gallon containers full of water for emergency so we needed to wash the dishes and I was heating the water and the LP Gas ran out.  This was one hour or so before our departure.  We normally keep a spare small gas cylinder but during BC class the cylinder was emptied and I hadn’t refilled it.  Praise the Lord when we returned it had rained so we had a full water tank and when I primed the pump and turned the power on it worked.  PTL, because running out of water is an easy way to damage a pump.   I try to never do that.
Then on the trip home, I can’t believe what happened.  It is quite humorous but is suppose to happen to someone else.  It is a first for me [George].  My resident permit [SI equivalent to a Visa] was expired.  On departing Honiara they didn’t comment on it.  Now, imagine the shock when we went to check in and my permit had expired.  I checked through my passport that is full of stamps to find my permit and there I found it expiring 1st June 2011.  How could that happen???  So I had to purchase a ticket out of the SI so fortunately I have to travel back to Australia in September for IBOE (International Board of Education) meeting, so I bought the ticket.  Fortunately we arrived at the airport with 3 hours to spare.  Our travel to the airport went smooth with every traffic light green and the traffic moving at near speed limit so we made it in 30 minutes from NTC to Airport.  We sorted out all the problems, checked in, and still had a couple of hours for breakfast and relaxation before boarding the plane to Honiara which was full.  Once in Honiara, I am thankful for a small country where everyone knows everyone.  Also we have been around for a long time.   I wanted to get in an immigration queue (line) where the official working knew me.  Did I mention the plane was full so my carry-on stored overhead was 6 rows behind where we were setting and by the time I retrieved that we were near the last passenger de-boarding even though our assigned seat was near the front.  Every queue was long except the queue for returning residents.  I knew the official in all the queues except the one marked “returning residents’.   We got in the short queue and when I got there I apologized and asked if I could come in the office and sort it out later.  This week was holiday week, July 7th our Solomon Island’s Independence day.  I did get it paid for and lodged the work permit with labor as it is also expired.  If you are wondering Nancy’s expires next year, since she lived here many years without a work permit and now is school principal so she had to get a work permit and new resident permit and a different date.

District Youth/Women’s Camp:
Women and youth sharing after their return.

            The Youth and women had a holiness revival at their camp.  They came back excited about what happened.  They experienced the presence of God in a new way and they were so excited.  They came back tired from the week at camp, followed by the long ship ride in a really rough sea, but they were spiritually rejuvenated.  I have asked them to write a report and should have more information to share about the victories at camp.  They went around town witnessing and the church services were packed with those attending the evening services.  Reports came back of miraculous healings, salvation, and deliverance.  The report was the altar were full every service.  The theme for the Camp was from Joshua 24:15  “.  .  . choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve .  .  .  But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

NYC, Zach, and the Youth:
Our Grandson Zach is attending the NYC in Louisville, KY.  His parents Scott and Gloria Nelson went as sponsor with their church’s youth.  6300+ in attendance at NYC.  Oh, don’t we serve an awesome God!  There was one photo posted on the NCM e-news and faces of 7 youth visible and there was the picture of our Zach.  This grandpa was thrilled to see that photo.   I guess as a grandpa I have bragging rights.  Recently I was thrilled and tears came to my eye when talking to Gloria and Zach and was told that Zach felt called to preach.
Pray for the youth attending NYC as they return to their home churches that they will be empowered to live the holy, Christ-style life, but include in your prayer the youth around the world.  It appears the spirit of God is moving around the world and we are on the verge of a holiness revival and it very well could begin with the youth.  There is so much political, economical, social, and spiritual uncertainties and unrest in the world today.  People are restless, uncertain of the future, unsatisfied with status quo, and are searching for answers, which is the perfect climate for a spiritual awakening.  Pray for this generation as they seek answers that they will turn to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Other Prayer needs:
Continue to remember the events coming up:
September 13-18: IBOE review meeting in Brisbane (George plans to attend).
September 20 - October 4:  Bible College Block course  (Dr. David McEwan from NTC, Brisbane will be visiting professor)
October 26 – 30: Mission leadership Conference, Manila, Philippines  (George and Nancy plan to attend, and pray that other leaders from Solomon Islands will be able to attend too.)
January 2012:  3rd Wave NYI Conference in Bangkok, Thailand (Plan to send 1 or 2 youth from Solomon Islands.)
Harmon Schmelzenbach has a trip planned to Solomon Islands July 18 – 23.  Pray for our trip as we go to Makira Province and visit a pastor there.
Special Prayer Request: Remember the Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane, Australia in you prayer.  They have some financial challenges facing them.  They are meeting 6 a.m. daily for the 40 days of prayer and they have already witnessed the hand of God upon their situation.
Ezra: He is a high school boy who went to youth camp. 
Ezra Testifying and Praising God.

 He lives at our house and raised chickens to pay his school fees.  While at camp his chicken house was burned down along with 50 2-week old chickens.  When he received word he said, “That is something of this world, I have come on a mission and am not going to let that side-track me.”  Those of you present during our recent deputation tour, may remember seeing Ezra’s picture on our power point.  We thank the Lord as someone donated money to cover his school fees for this year, isn’t God awesome.
Nancy: Teachers report to school tomorrow for teacher’s training, and Nancy has a lot of items to discuss with the teachers as they have this week of teacher’s meeting getting ready for classes to begin 18th July.

Last Prayer letter I mentioned that I was passing through a discouraging time.  Nothing will lift ones spirits like the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as witness by our youth at camp in Munda.  We returned from Australia and I was still a little down but when the youth got off the ship after a stormy ride and they were bubbling over.  That was awesome and then when they met the following night and shared their testimonies about the many victories any remnant of discouragement disappeared.  Pray that this fire of the Lord that was kindled in their hearts in Munda will burn bright as they return to school in another week.

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX   75173

Blog:   -
Responsibility - Developer - Positivity - Woo - Empathy

Youth Praising God after returning from camp.

June 16, 2011 Prayer update

Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for your Prayers.  Here is an update of some of the items we requested prayer for.

Bible College Class:
The Bible College classes were super and well attended.  Sylvia Holiday, from New Zealand, was our guest lecturer.  Sylvia is an Ordained Minister and professional counselor in New Zealand.  This is her second time visiting the Solomon Islands.  We praise the Lord for the 21 students she had in her morning class, Interpersonal  Communication; and the 25 attending her evening class, Christian Worship.  I (George) had 12 student in my Hebrews & General Epistles class.  Thanks for your prayers as God moved mightily in these classes.

Children’s Camp:
The Honiara Zion Church is hosting a Children’s camp this weekend.  Tomorrow (Friday) night I will be preaching the opening service for the children.  Nancy will then have the Saturday service.  The new church in White River will be attending.  Pray for the White River church.  The White River Church is a new daughter church started by the Zion church.  They invited the DS and wife a few week ago.  Then last Sunday I returned when the Zion Pre-teen class visited, led by their Sunday School teacher Mairy.  This church is made up of mostly children, but they are on fire.  Pray for the children that God will raise up some teens and adults that are on fire for Jesus.

Miller’s Vacation:
Pray for Nancy and I as we take a much needed vacation to Australia.  We depart Solomon Islands on Monday 20th June and return Monday 4th July.  Please be in prayer for us during this time.

District Youth/Women’s camp:
In our last news letter I made an error in the dates.  The correct dates for this camp is 27th June through 2nd July.  This camp will be held in Munda, on the Island of New Georgia in the Western Province. One of our newer churches Sovereign Grace will host this camp.  Pray for a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our youth attending camp.

Other events coming up:
1.      September 13-18 the International Board of Education is going to meet with our South Pacific Nazarene Theological College and conduct a review at that time.  Please be in prayer for this meeting.
2.      Then September 20 – October 4th will be another block course at our Bible College and Dr. David McEwan from NTC, Brisbane, Australia will be our guest lecturer.  I will also be teaching a course.
3.      October 26 – 30 we will be attending a mission leadership conference in Manila, Philippines.
4.      Pray for Rex as he prepares to attend, representing our Solomon Island youth at the 3rd wave conference in Thailand in January 2012.  Rex is a relatively new Christian and member of our Sovereign Grace Church in Munda.  For a few months he lived at our house while volunteering at ZCA (Zion Christian Academy).  Now he is working as a teacher at the school established this year at the Sovereign Grace Church.
5.      In addition to these meetings I plan to visit churches in the provinces.

Personal Prayer Request:
Please remember us in prayer as we want to see a mighty revival and a great awakening and an awesome movement of the Holy Spirit within the Solomon Islands.  In recent days I have been battling discouragement and we request that you bathe us in prayer.  

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX   75173

Responsibility - Developer - Positivity - Woo - Empathy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

prayer update 28 April 2011

Dear Prayer partner,
Oh my how time flies!  Has it really been nearly one month since I sent our last prayer letter?   I can hardly believe how rapidly time has flew by.

We bring you greeting in the name of our risen LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.  This past weekend (Easter Weekend) was a wonderful time.

Updates on our prayer requests in the last letter.

1.       Unpacking went well.  We have almost everything unpacked and put away.  Some of the things are left in storage until needed.  Home assignment is good for “packrats” like us, as it helps minimize the supply of things.
2.       The Land  Issue we were dealing with was the Government’s plan to acquire some of our property to drill a water well.  We finally signed a lease agreement at least then we will get a little money.  Our main concern is that there is a great possibility that the city water well drilled in close proximity to ours and three times deeper will lower the ground water level and therefore cause our well to dry up.  We will wait and see.  At least right now we have Solar water supply which is free.
3.       The Easter Revival Camp organized by the Zion Church of the Nazarene was a huge success.  The camp was totally organized by the Zion Church Board, which was a tremendous relief for me as all I had to do was attend and bring a morning devotional and preach at the Sunday sunrise service at 5:30 a.m.  So with my limited responsibility we could just attend and enjoy the services.
Youth Worship team led by Brother Dickson Manongi

Some of the Highlights of the Easter Camp:
Rev. Maisel Boude, Papua New Guinea Defense Force Chaplain, was the guest speaker.  The messages and the classes he held were timely as they dealt with living a holy life in Melanesia. 

Saturday night the fire fell and many came to the altar under conviction.  It was a great service as young and old alike came to the altar.  After the altar service there was a spontaneous testimony time.  It kind of reminded me of camp-meeting time when I was young.  It was one of those really special services that you just have to be present to fully appreciate. 


Children that came to the altar wanted to share their testimony, but in this country it is difficult for children to just go to the front of adults and share, but these children talked to their adult leaders and these leaders scheduled a time for them to share during the Sunday evening services.  Words are inadequate to describe the thrill in my heart as these children got up with tears in their eyes and testified to the saving grace of God.

This is the first time I have ever witnessed this among the Solomon Island Children.  Normally I do not see the young children even going to the altar in the Solomon Islands, unless we have a special children’s service, then they feel free to come forward.  This is a breakthrough and a direct answer to your prayers.

During one of the sessions that dealt with some of the “witchcraft” issues in the Solomon’s, one man questioned Rev. Maisel and it brought out into the open some of the pluralism in the Solomon Islands, as they attempt to merge Christianity with their animistic/ancestral belief system.  This lead to quite a discussion and some deliverances from some of the demonic activities.

Baby Wesley held by George and parents standing near.

We had three churches participate in this camp.  In addition to the Zion Church, we also had the Macedonia Church and the White River Church (Preaching Point).  The pastor’s wife of the Macedonia Church delivered a baby on Good Friday.  They asked me to name the baby so I gave him the name Wesley, after my brother.  The White River Church has a lot of children and we request prayer for the salvation of their parents.  Also pray that these children will grow strong in their faith.

One of the board members who helped organize this camp, made the comment that this is the first camp ever where no one complained about anything.  We could definitely feel the presence of the Lord around this place.

There was a drama during many of the services.   The youth presented the crucifixion drama and everyone was in tears.  The White River pastor commented, “If just a drama will make you cry, just think about the being present at the real event.”

Prayer request for Upcoming events:
1.       Bible College Class from May 25 – June 8.  Sylvia Holiday from New Zealand will be the guest lecturer.  This time we will offer three classes.  Sylvia will teach two courses a. Interpersonal Communication and b. Church Worship.  Then I will teach an elective course on Hebrews/General Epistles so those who have already completed the other courses will have a choice.  Pray for me as I prepare for this class.
2.       Miller’s Vacation/ACE Conference: We will be away from 20 June to 4 July in Australia.  We will be attending the SCEE [ACE] conference in Brisbane from 21 – 23 June and while there we are going to take a little vacation time.
3.       District Youth/Women’s Camp: This is to be held 20 – 27 June.  This is the second year that they have held a Youth/Women’s combination camp.  That is certainly different from our Western Culture.  Pray for God’s blessing upon Pastor Revelation Kalia, the District NYI president and Sister Mairy Wale, the District Women’s Ministry President as they organize this.  This Camp will be held in Munda at the site of one of our newer churches, Sovereign Grace.

Also Pray for:
1.       Those who have committed their life to Christ this past weekend.
2.       Me as I bring a message this Sunday and try to keep the momentum from this revival services flowing.
3.       Continue praying for the appointment of local DS.
4.       Pray for rain as it has been dry.  That was probably in answer to the Christian’s prayer for fine weather for the many camps and special services going on around the country.  It definitely was beautiful weather for the Easter Camps and meetings.

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 10109 Links Fairway Drive
Rowlett, TX   75089
Phone: (469) 377-0400

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 Crucifixion Drama