Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10, 2011 Update

Dear Prayer

Thank you for your Prayers.  Here is an update from our last prayer letter.

Children’s Camp {The following is from a report written by Doris Manongi the Zion Church of the Nazarene Sunday School President.
Greetings to you in Christ’s name.  It is a joy for me to testify about the love of Christ and what he has been doing in the lives of our children here.
We had about 90 children (plus adult sponsors) attend the camp.  49 of these came from the White River Church (Which is our daughter mission church) and the other 40+ from our local Zion Church of the Nazarene.  Our theme: from Matthew 19:14 “ ‘Let the little children come to me,’ Jesus said”.  The White River Church is mostly made up of children and these children come from various backgrounds, like divorced parents, unsaved parents, single parents, and for most of these children their parents never attend church.  The children are so excited to serve Christ.  During our camp five children gave their life to the Lord.  [Many went to the altar but five shared their testimony.]  We believe the children are the open door through which we can reach out to their parents. 

Chris Testified to being Saved at Children's Camp.

White River Children Choir

·         Pray that God will move mightily in the lives of these children.   They are increasing in numbers.
·         Pray for Pastor Osborne [Pastor of White River] and wife Hilda who are looking after them for God’s grace and strength.
·         Pray for the Sunday School teachers that they will have the passion for teaching and reaching the lives of these children in the Word of God and His love.
·         Pray that through these children we’ll be able to bring the parents and adults to Christ.
In His Service , Doris Manongi

Note from George:   Thank you for praying for the Children’s camp it was a tremendous success.

Miller’s Trip to Australia:
We had a wonderful time in Australia.   Thank you for your prayer support.  The first part of our trip we attended the South Pacific Leaders Conference.  This is an annual conference held for leaders/teachers of schools in the South Pacific using the A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum.  This is my first time to attend (Nancy’s second time).  The theme of the conference was from Romans 8:37, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”  The 3-day conference was busy with workshops, including testimonies, and a special guest presenter from South Africa.  It was great meeting the people from S.C.E.E. (Southern Cross Education Enterprises, which administers the A.C.E. curriculum.
Following the conference we stayed at the Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane.  It was a time of relaxation and people asked what I wanted to do.  We had no agenda and no rushing around.  We got in some excellent church services. In the two Sundays there we were spiritually enriched by attending and fellowshipping in three different churches, sitting in a few hours of class at NTC (taught by guest lecturer, Dr. Deirdre Brower Latz), attended morning prayer at the NTC as they began the 40 days of prayer, George attended a men’s chat group and Nancy a lady’s chatter group at a coffee shop in the shopping mall, and God really met with us.
As we were preparing to leave for vacation we ran out of water and LP gas.  Bible College just concluded and some of the students stayed around and it didn’t rain so our rain tank was running low.  We were doing our last load of laundry on early Monday morning the day of our departure and the rain tank ran dry.   We keep two 6 gallon containers full of water for emergency so we needed to wash the dishes and I was heating the water and the LP Gas ran out.  This was one hour or so before our departure.  We normally keep a spare small gas cylinder but during BC class the cylinder was emptied and I hadn’t refilled it.  Praise the Lord when we returned it had rained so we had a full water tank and when I primed the pump and turned the power on it worked.  PTL, because running out of water is an easy way to damage a pump.   I try to never do that.
Then on the trip home, I can’t believe what happened.  It is quite humorous but is suppose to happen to someone else.  It is a first for me [George].  My resident permit [SI equivalent to a Visa] was expired.  On departing Honiara they didn’t comment on it.  Now, imagine the shock when we went to check in and my permit had expired.  I checked through my passport that is full of stamps to find my permit and there I found it expiring 1st June 2011.  How could that happen???  So I had to purchase a ticket out of the SI so fortunately I have to travel back to Australia in September for IBOE (International Board of Education) meeting, so I bought the ticket.  Fortunately we arrived at the airport with 3 hours to spare.  Our travel to the airport went smooth with every traffic light green and the traffic moving at near speed limit so we made it in 30 minutes from NTC to Airport.  We sorted out all the problems, checked in, and still had a couple of hours for breakfast and relaxation before boarding the plane to Honiara which was full.  Once in Honiara, I am thankful for a small country where everyone knows everyone.  Also we have been around for a long time.   I wanted to get in an immigration queue (line) where the official working knew me.  Did I mention the plane was full so my carry-on stored overhead was 6 rows behind where we were setting and by the time I retrieved that we were near the last passenger de-boarding even though our assigned seat was near the front.  Every queue was long except the queue for returning residents.  I knew the official in all the queues except the one marked “returning residents’.   We got in the short queue and when I got there I apologized and asked if I could come in the office and sort it out later.  This week was holiday week, July 7th our Solomon Island’s Independence day.  I did get it paid for and lodged the work permit with labor as it is also expired.  If you are wondering Nancy’s expires next year, since she lived here many years without a work permit and now is school principal so she had to get a work permit and new resident permit and a different date.

District Youth/Women’s Camp:
Women and youth sharing after their return.

            The Youth and women had a holiness revival at their camp.  They came back excited about what happened.  They experienced the presence of God in a new way and they were so excited.  They came back tired from the week at camp, followed by the long ship ride in a really rough sea, but they were spiritually rejuvenated.  I have asked them to write a report and should have more information to share about the victories at camp.  They went around town witnessing and the church services were packed with those attending the evening services.  Reports came back of miraculous healings, salvation, and deliverance.  The report was the altar were full every service.  The theme for the Camp was from Joshua 24:15  “.  .  . choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve .  .  .  But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

NYC, Zach, and the Youth:
Our Grandson Zach is attending the NYC in Louisville, KY.  His parents Scott and Gloria Nelson went as sponsor with their church’s youth.  6300+ in attendance at NYC.  Oh, don’t we serve an awesome God!  There was one photo posted on the NCM e-news and faces of 7 youth visible and there was the picture of our Zach.  This grandpa was thrilled to see that photo.   I guess as a grandpa I have bragging rights.  Recently I was thrilled and tears came to my eye when talking to Gloria and Zach and was told that Zach felt called to preach.
Pray for the youth attending NYC as they return to their home churches that they will be empowered to live the holy, Christ-style life, but include in your prayer the youth around the world.  It appears the spirit of God is moving around the world and we are on the verge of a holiness revival and it very well could begin with the youth.  There is so much political, economical, social, and spiritual uncertainties and unrest in the world today.  People are restless, uncertain of the future, unsatisfied with status quo, and are searching for answers, which is the perfect climate for a spiritual awakening.  Pray for this generation as they seek answers that they will turn to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Other Prayer needs:
Continue to remember the events coming up:
September 13-18: IBOE review meeting in Brisbane (George plans to attend).
September 20 - October 4:  Bible College Block course  (Dr. David McEwan from NTC, Brisbane will be visiting professor)
October 26 – 30: Mission leadership Conference, Manila, Philippines  (George and Nancy plan to attend, and pray that other leaders from Solomon Islands will be able to attend too.)
January 2012:  3rd Wave NYI Conference in Bangkok, Thailand (Plan to send 1 or 2 youth from Solomon Islands.)
Harmon Schmelzenbach has a trip planned to Solomon Islands July 18 – 23.  Pray for our trip as we go to Makira Province and visit a pastor there.
Special Prayer Request: Remember the Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane, Australia in you prayer.  They have some financial challenges facing them.  They are meeting 6 a.m. daily for the 40 days of prayer and they have already witnessed the hand of God upon their situation.
Ezra: He is a high school boy who went to youth camp. 
Ezra Testifying and Praising God.

 He lives at our house and raised chickens to pay his school fees.  While at camp his chicken house was burned down along with 50 2-week old chickens.  When he received word he said, “That is something of this world, I have come on a mission and am not going to let that side-track me.”  Those of you present during our recent deputation tour, may remember seeing Ezra’s picture on our power point.  We thank the Lord as someone donated money to cover his school fees for this year, isn’t God awesome.
Nancy: Teachers report to school tomorrow for teacher’s training, and Nancy has a lot of items to discuss with the teachers as they have this week of teacher’s meeting getting ready for classes to begin 18th July.

Last Prayer letter I mentioned that I was passing through a discouraging time.  Nothing will lift ones spirits like the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as witness by our youth at camp in Munda.  We returned from Australia and I was still a little down but when the youth got off the ship after a stormy ride and they were bubbling over.  That was awesome and then when they met the following night and shared their testimonies about the many victories any remnant of discouragement disappeared.  Pray that this fire of the Lord that was kindled in their hearts in Munda will burn bright as they return to school in another week.

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX   75173

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Youth Praising God after returning from camp.

June 16, 2011 Prayer update

Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for your Prayers.  Here is an update of some of the items we requested prayer for.

Bible College Class:
The Bible College classes were super and well attended.  Sylvia Holiday, from New Zealand, was our guest lecturer.  Sylvia is an Ordained Minister and professional counselor in New Zealand.  This is her second time visiting the Solomon Islands.  We praise the Lord for the 21 students she had in her morning class, Interpersonal  Communication; and the 25 attending her evening class, Christian Worship.  I (George) had 12 student in my Hebrews & General Epistles class.  Thanks for your prayers as God moved mightily in these classes.

Children’s Camp:
The Honiara Zion Church is hosting a Children’s camp this weekend.  Tomorrow (Friday) night I will be preaching the opening service for the children.  Nancy will then have the Saturday service.  The new church in White River will be attending.  Pray for the White River church.  The White River Church is a new daughter church started by the Zion church.  They invited the DS and wife a few week ago.  Then last Sunday I returned when the Zion Pre-teen class visited, led by their Sunday School teacher Mairy.  This church is made up of mostly children, but they are on fire.  Pray for the children that God will raise up some teens and adults that are on fire for Jesus.

Miller’s Vacation:
Pray for Nancy and I as we take a much needed vacation to Australia.  We depart Solomon Islands on Monday 20th June and return Monday 4th July.  Please be in prayer for us during this time.

District Youth/Women’s camp:
In our last news letter I made an error in the dates.  The correct dates for this camp is 27th June through 2nd July.  This camp will be held in Munda, on the Island of New Georgia in the Western Province. One of our newer churches Sovereign Grace will host this camp.  Pray for a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our youth attending camp.

Other events coming up:
1.      September 13-18 the International Board of Education is going to meet with our South Pacific Nazarene Theological College and conduct a review at that time.  Please be in prayer for this meeting.
2.      Then September 20 – October 4th will be another block course at our Bible College and Dr. David McEwan from NTC, Brisbane, Australia will be our guest lecturer.  I will also be teaching a course.
3.      October 26 – 30 we will be attending a mission leadership conference in Manila, Philippines.
4.      Pray for Rex as he prepares to attend, representing our Solomon Island youth at the 3rd wave conference in Thailand in January 2012.  Rex is a relatively new Christian and member of our Sovereign Grace Church in Munda.  For a few months he lived at our house while volunteering at ZCA (Zion Christian Academy).  Now he is working as a teacher at the school established this year at the Sovereign Grace Church.
5.      In addition to these meetings I plan to visit churches in the provinces.

Personal Prayer Request:
Please remember us in prayer as we want to see a mighty revival and a great awakening and an awesome movement of the Holy Spirit within the Solomon Islands.  In recent days I have been battling discouragement and we request that you bathe us in prayer.  

George Miller
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109     Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX   75173

Responsibility - Developer - Positivity - Woo - Empathy