Dear Prayer partner,
I can’t believe it, March is already over. Recently I received a letter from a friend and Prayer partner asking if we had quit mailing out prayer letters. I can’t believe it this is the first one this year. I trust you are praying. When the prayer letters are less frequent that means we need more prayer. I want to thank those who are committed to pray for us. We thrive and survive on your prayers.
Urgent Prayer Need: Nancy’s Resident Permit.
We need an emergency, Nancy’s residency permit has expired. The application for the new one was lodged in January, the work permit took a little time because our country does not like to have a foreigner as Principal of a school, but it was finally approved and submitted to immigration in February. To make a long story short, we have a planned a trip to Papua New Guinea departing Thursday morning 29th March, the immigration finally located the work permit, but could not find the application for her residency permit. Without this document she cannot travel out of country [unless en-route to USA], and return to the Solomon. To complicate this the permit section is now closed on Wednesday. So we only have today to obtain everything since we need to be at the airport before they open on Thursday morning.
Trip to Papua New Guinea:
Thursday we are excited about a trip to PNG. I and Nancy, after an immigration miracle, will travel to Kudjip. We are going to attend the 20th wedding anniversary of dear friends, Baru and Christina Dirye. Baru is my son in the Lord and I have known him for a long time. I taught him in the medical lab training while he was still single. God has certainly led us to meet some wonderful people. It was a joy seeing Baru, lead the PNG delegation to the General Assembly. I will also preach in his house church on Sunday. Last I heard they have 100 people, give or take, attending his services. Pray for Baru, Christina, and their family as the celebrate this time. Pray that Nancy will be joining me on this trip.
Zion Christian Academy (ZCA)
Last Week of School: This is the last week of school this term. Nancy will have a week break.
New Classroom Building: The Town Council has approved our new classroom building and the building permit obtained. Please remember the school in prayer as they prepare for this new classroom building.
Greg and Wendy and family:
Greg and Wendy with their four children are planning a trip to the Solomon’s during their summer vacation. We are excited and really looking forward to their visit. Pray for them as they visit and experience some of the things their dad/mom and Grandpa/ma are experiencing. During their time here will be the Pacific Festival of the Arts where a large number of nations in the pacific will come together. (I think the last I heard was 28 nations are registered to attend.)
Bible College:
I am busy this year teaching Bible College. In addition to the three 2-week block courses we hold each year, I am now holding evening classes, 2 days per week for 5 weeks each. This is for those living in Honiara who work and miss out on some of our intensive classes. Currently my evening class is Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation).
Our recent Bible College Class ending on 2 March was tremendous and here are some of the highlights:
· The two courses taught were Christian Education taught by Nancy, and Pastoral Care and Counseling taught by George. Nancy had 26 students attend her evening class and George had 17 attend his morning class. This is the first Bible College Class that I can remember when we had adequate water supply. There was a cyclone in the area before the students were to travel but the seas were fine for their travel, but we had a nice rain throughout.
· Rodney, one of our new students, walked into the class the second day. I knew there was a story here, because Rodney even though he was a son of our faithful church members I have never seen him in church. He was expelled from our ZCA school for drinking or whatever. He was a naughty boy. Now at 23 years old he became ill and then recovered and through the encouragement of his father and another man, he wanted to turn to God. We were conducting the Bible College Class and so he came. In filling out the application where it asks about church history to which he inquired what do I write. I said, “Just tell the truth.” He was not a member of any church and at the time of his attending the Bible College Class had not attended any church service. He was one of the drunk boys in our neighborhood and the source of many of his mother’s tears. Most of her children attended church but here was this wayward son. Pray for Rodney, he will soon be baptized and join the church.
· Leonard, another new student, came to Honiara because his son was referred to our National Referral Hospital (NRH). His son Kenneth has suffered from a mental illness for one year. When it began he started acting crazy, but it progressed to where he could no longer walk and saliva would just come out of his mouth as he lay in bed, hopeless, and waiting to die. A pastor came and prayed for his son and the Lord touched him and he began immediately to improve. After he begin improving so he was no longer waiting to die, Kenneth was referred to Honiara to the NRH. Leonard is the Uncle of Pastor Osborn, the pastor of our White River Church. While in Honiara Leonard heard about our Bible College Classes and wanted to come. He attended our Bible College, his son has made a complete recovery and they will soon return home to plant the church in their village. During Easter, Kenneth will be joining the other youth from the White River Church as they go on a mission trip and attend the Malaita Circuit Youth Easter Camp, to be held at our Alisisiu Church.
· David, another new student, is also Pastor Osborn’s uncle and he is a chief in Osborn’s home village. He has been searching for God for a long time. In his search for God he took Islam to their area. As he was searching our evangelism team went to their village at Christmas time last year. David was convicted and asked about attending Bible College. Pastor Osborn returned and asked me for an application for the college. Normally our first time students do average, because it takes them a while to get into the swing of things. We have a lot of assignments and especially journaling. Even though we grade liberally still it is tough for new students to make ‘A’s. First there is a language barrier and it takes them a while to figure out what this “Okie” is trying to say. That said David soaked in everything and made 100 in both of his courses. He is a new man now and so on fire for the Lord. He has been visiting his relatives in the White River area and ministering to them. Pray for him as he returns to start his house church at their home village.
· Four Students attended Bible College class from Vella la Vella. A ministry team went to Vella la Vella during Christmas break. They were met with a lot of opposition from the only other denomination in the village. In fact during one service the house where they were meeting was stoned. Every stone missed its target and no one was injured for which we were thankful. The team called me 2 or 3 times that night reporting what was going on. I stayed awake interceding for them that night. The next day the chief of the area sent our team a letter, that he wanted to see them, because he was troubled during the night. The chief developed physical problems during the night and needed them to not leave without straightening things out and praying with him. Evidently he felt he was going to die. Pray for the work on Vella la Vella island. Rollandy, the pastor at Valapata one of our new churches, was saved through the ministry of his young son, who began attending Sunday School and took his papers home and his dad was convicted and repented. Now for the past year Rollandy has been attending Bible College.
Phillip |
Rollandy |
Kendrick |
Davidson |
Easter Service:
Pray for the many Easter Services that will be held.
Malaita Circuit Camp to be held in Alisisiu.
Honiara, Zion Church of the Nazarene Camp.
Home Assignment Schedule 2013,
Here is our home assignment tour, if anyone would like to schedule a service on any available date just let us know.
2013 Tour Schedule Mar. 16, 2013 -June 15, 2013
Carnegie Church of the Nazarene, March 24, 2013 -
NE Indiana District April 7-14, 2013 -
Spencerville, OH April 17, 2013 –
Indianapolis District April 20-28, 2013 –
Upstate NY Convention May 12-16, 2013 –
Los Angeles District Tour May 19-26, 2013 –
General Assembly and Conventions, Indianapolis June 17 – 28
Return to the Solomon Islands July 7
Your partners in His Ministry,
George Miller,
Solomon Islands -Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Office/Home: 677 25-109 Mobile: 677 74 68920
USA Contact:
c/o 4994 Highway 78 S
Nevada, TX 75173
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