Dear Friends,
We are ready to depart the Solomon Islands after 15 years. I would like to leave this message to the SI church but also to the broader church before we leave.
I want to share the three things that are crucial for effective ministry to take place. These items are essential. I was reminded of these again today as the Lord came to me in my devotional time.
First, it is essential that the Lord's blessing be upon you. Actually through mechanics, a leader with a charismatic personality, and the right programs and ingenuity can build quite an empire without the Lord. That said I am talking about building a strong spiritual ministry. I'm not interested in building a man-made empire but rather in building the Kingdom of God. For this to take place you have to have the anointing which comes from the Holy Spirit and following His will in your life. Prayer is quintessential to this process. Prayer alone if by prayer one means talking to God it is not enough. Prayer also involves a listening component and as a result of this listening it involves doing the will of God. I do not know God's specific will for each person, (e.g. what type of occupation God is calling you into, or who you should marry) but the Bible is full of God's general revelation that is for all those who trust in him. It is our job to read the Bible and follow HIS general revelation like "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself." Then He will from time to time reveal his specific revelations and will to us through our quiet time of listening prayer.
Second component to building a strong ministry is man-power. We need people. People are the harvest. Jesus said we are to pray for laborers into the harvest field. It is God who calls, but we have a part to play. For someone totally committed to the Lord, someone who loves the Lord with his/her total being and who loves others as oneself, for someone that much in love with God and others it makes sense that they would seek with all their heart to do the will of God. We are not lone individuals, but we are called out from the world and in community with others of like mind and passion so that together we can accomplish the impossible. We have many talents or parts but we are one body and together with God we can "move mountains". Where there is disunity there is trouble.
Third element needed is resources. Where do the resources come from? The harvest, or the people, for as people are committed to the Lord and they realize who the giver is and where everything they have comes from, it is all available to be used by the Lord. The tithe is just the minimum but when God says give, we obey and give. When God says go, we obey and go. With those focused on God and have the proper perspective on ownership and realize that we are stewards. Of course we have things that we claim and that have our name attached to it, but it can easily be taken away. Jesus preached in his sermon that we should store our treasures where moth, rust, and I might add mildew, can not destroy it. We should use whatever God has entrusted us with to build the Kingdom. We need to enlarge our vision. When a 5 year old child says, "Mine". We refer to that child as being stingy, but when an adult holds onto things and refuses to allow God to use these things, what do we call that person? Is he/her a mature Christian? Everything must come under the Lordship of Christ.
The challenge I want to make to the Solomon Islands Church is to stop looking to the outside {Field, Global Mission, etc} for the resources. Instead obey God and give what you have and pray the Lord of the harvest to call laborers. Pray for God's blessing and God will build His church in the Solomon Islands. If Jesus, God's only son, can take 5 loaves and 2 small reef fish and feed 5000 people, how can God multiply what we have? God only knows, but we have to obey. As pertaining to resources we have to use whatever God entrusts to us responsibly and utilize all resources with the upmost integrity. We must maintain trust, transparency, and accountability.
May God Bless you all
Uncle George Miller