Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
George and Jeanne Miller
We wish you, our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We send our greetings, trusting you are rejoicing, in the Lord as you celebrate His birthday with family and friends.
This year started off with a bang, on January 1st, when Jeanne fell and broke her elbow. Jan 4 had surgery replacing the humeral head with titanium was the first of 3 joint replacement surgeries, including both knees. She’s practically a bionic woman. She get’s around well all things considered.
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Alister |
We have two additions to our family tree. A grandson, Alister Joel Wesley Miller, by adoption, (he’s been ours since birth but his gotcha day was this past summer) and a Great Grandson, Thomas James “Tommy” Nelson just in time for this Christmas letter. That makes our total grands 32 and our greats 2. What a clan!
This year we attended graduation parties for 3 of our grandkids (Hunter from college – Ransom & Josh from high school). In 2023 we have many graduating from all levels, since our 32 grandkids range in age from 2 to 30 years old. We took a trip to Alabama to meet Jessica a granddaughter, her husband Eli, and their son, Reid, who also graduated from Kindergarten this year. We had a wonderful visit and stopped to spend the night with Dean & Rebecca (nephew & niece) in Lufkin, TX.Jessica & Reid
In September we attended the beautiful Quinceãnera for a niece Rebecca.Hunter
We made a few visits to Owasso/Tulsa, OK to visit Nancy’s mom Virginia Sides. We said our final goodbye as she passed away in the early morning hours after our last visit. Her wonderful memorial service, remembering a life well lived, was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
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Quinceañera |
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VBS with kids |
In addition to traveling around we are busy as pastors of the Carnegie Church of the Nazarene. Our house is across the street from the church. When near Carnegie call or drop in for a visit. prayers for workers were answered when Maureen Koeppel and her daughters relocated to Carnegie. She has been a great help in our church. Maureen (along with husband & daughter) held our fall revival in 2021. Soon after they returned to Washington State, her husband Chris passed away. So imagine the excitement when I received her message inquiring about relocating to Carnegie.
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Craw Fish Broil |
Crawfish Broil was to celebrate Josh and Ransom's graduation, but they are not in any of my photos. Go figure!
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Maureen & girls with G & J & Eddie |
Our church has had the opportunities to host a number of people. We held 2 revivals this year. Eddie Stark and his wife Margaret held our spring revival. We hosted Heriberto “Eddie” Espiño for the fall revival. For kids program we were glad to have our kids, Geoff and Churie Miller along with their family, come and hold our summer VBS program again this year. The Monumental Vacation Bible School was a success, along with the STEM enrichment time held during the summer, which attracted 20 children to the 4-week program.
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Eddie Espiño |
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Maeve |
We had Missionary friends visit this year and share in our church. In February David and Sylvia Potter, missionaries to Vanuatu, spent nearly a week in their travel trailer and shared in our worship service. Maeve Eugenio, a Filipino student in Pt. Loma, CA, who I knew from PNC (Philippine Nazarene College) came for 6 weeks in the summer. While she was here her father, Mark Eugenio, a dear friend and the director of PNC when Nancy and I were there, came for a visit and to share in our church. Mark and wife Jasmine are assigned missionaries to the SE Asia field.
Jeanne’s Mom, Mary Whitehead, has lived with us for the past two years. When she came to our house she was put on hospice, but recently she was reevaluated, and ‘failed’ hospice because she was thriving and doing so well she no longer qualified. However, currently she is in the hospital, but she seems to be returning to her normal self. She wants to “go home” and she doesn’t mean our house either. Pray for her as she talks all the time about wanting to go and be with Jesus. She doesn’t know why Jesus is leaving her here. Pray for Mom whenever you think of her.
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV)
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Women of Bible Quilt |
May God’s blessing be upon you as you look forward to 2023. We do not know what lies ahead but we do know who holds our future. We rest in his loving arms.
Added note not in prayer letter:
The women of the Bible Quilt was finished by Cousin Sue. It was Nancy's dream quilt, but Nancy got sick and then passed away when it was just started.
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