Dear Prayer Partner,
Note: I give up on this blog. I've tried to put photo in the script but the edit screen is nothing like the post screen and there is no way to may it look good. I trust you enjoy the photos.
I’m sorry I didn’t get many letters out in May. It was kind of a blur as we were very busy. Thank you for your prayers. Here is some follow-up of the Prayer requests mentioned earlier.
There were six couples from
our mission team, serving in various fields on the Asia Pacific Region. This is the first time some of us had met. It was a good time of training. We had some times when we actually went out on the streets of Singapore to have intentional
conversations with people. We visited a Hindu temple, as well as a Mosque. I love to talk with people so this was right down my alley. We went to Arab street and visited in some of the shops as we also did some shopping, but primarily we were talking
and making friends. I met a lot of neighbors mostly from Pakistan and Iran.
I had an employee years ago who worked for me from Pakistan and he taught me the Arabic greeting: Aselam Alayakum {or
something like that} which literally means “Peace of God be with you”. The first person I greeted replied Alahkum selam (“And God’s Peace to you”) and then he went on in Arabic to which I replied, you have already used all the Arabic I know. But I was encouraged because I must have sounded authentic enough that he felt I knew Arabic.
On Sunday Nancy and I visited a very large, United Methodist Church. They had 3 or 4 services being conducted simultaneously. Their weekly program was a 20 page book. They held about 13 worship services every weekend, ministering to over 5,000 not counting the Children’s department.
Continue to pray for open doors and now the harvest fields are white, please pray for workers to go into the harvest fields. For those of you who are native English speakers and want to make a difference, the doors are open as there are many request for English teachers. Some requests are for those with teacher’s training but for other positions the only qualification is for a native born English speaker. Please let me know if you are interested in a position like this where you can enter as an English teacher but can show the light of Jesus and make an eternal difference in people’s lives. I would refer you to our Strategic Partners who would gladly assist you.
Thanks for your prayers for Felicity. They are back from Australia and she has new tubes in her ears and had her adenoids removed and appears to be doing fine.
Nancy and ZCA:
Thank you for your prayers for Nancy and ZCA. The workshop
for teachers was a tremendous success. Continue to
pray for Nancy as her platter is still full.
Bible College Class:
The Bible College Block classes were quite successful. We had 20 students attend the two week course. With this course
three of our students completed their studies for a
diploma from the Bible College. We are looking forward to the graduation in November.
YIM Team:
The Youth In Mission team is currently in the Western Province. Pray for this team and Geoffrey and Churie as they supervise their ministry.
This is their rough schedule for your prayer:
· Now through Sunday 14 June at Munda - Sovereign Grace Church of the Nazarene
· Monday 15th – Travel by Ship to Honiara
· Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th around Honiara getting prepared for the Honiara Zion Church youth.
· Thursday 18th – Sunday 21st Honiara Zion Church
· Tuesday 23rd To Auki, Malaita Province. Ministering near Auki 23rd and 24th
· Thursday 25th – Sunday 28th to Kwailatutu
· Monday 29th back to Auki
· Tuesday 30th June – Sunday 5th July to Beri church in the bush of East Kwaio.
· Monday 6th -7th Travel back to Honiara
· Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th In Honiara recovering and preparing for next outreach.
· Friday 10th – Sunday 12th at Macedonia Church in the Guadalcanal Plains.
· Monday 13th – 20th July around Honiara, helping around the mission, relaxing, and a day or two of sightseeing and fun.
· Tuesday 21st depart for home. (One member, Tim Radcliffe, leaves on Monday 20th for PNG to spend the rest of his summer visiting his missionary parents).
General Assembly:
Nancy and I will be leaving Tuesday 16th June to attend the General Assembly.
We fly through Fiji and due to an airline schedule shift we will not be able to make our connection on Tuesday to travel on to the USA. Air Pacific is putting us up for two nights in Nadi. We are really looking forward to the time of relaxing in Nadi, Fiji.
We will arrive in Dallas, Tex on Thursday night 18th.
Saturday the 20th is our VanGundy family reunion in El Reno.
After the Reunion we will depart for Orlando, Florida and plan to arrive there sometime on Tuesday 23rd
We will depart the USA for the Solomon Islands Sunday July 12th and arrive here on Tuesday 14th.
We would be willing to speak in churches during our time in the USA, so if you would like to have us share, just let me know and we will do our best to accommodate the request.
Thank you so very much for your continued prayers.
Your Partners in His Ministry,
George & Nancy Miller
PO Box 712
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Phone: (677)25-109
Mobile: (677)68-920
Field Team Web site:
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