Dear Prayer Partners,
My Brother Wesley’s Book:
Wesley’s book that he wrote and sent to the publisher just before he passed away is published and it is for sell just for the cost of printing and shipping. If you would like to purchase the book, “A Tale that is Told”, you would need to sent $12.50 check to Sara Miller. Contact her by email to make arrangements The church address I have for her and I think it would still work is Sara Miller, Rt. 2 Box 50, Taloga, OK 73667.
Wesley has written another book, “Redneck Reflexions”. It is a thirty day devotional book. I referred to some of his devotionals during his funeral service. It is also available for $12.50 or both books together for $24.50.
The “A Tale That is Told” book is a personal testimony of my Brother Rev. C. Wesley Miller. I’m a part of his story too, so you would read some about me. It is a challenging and interesting read, especially for those who know Wesley, our family, or me.
Water well Drilling Under way:
The Water well is being drilled as I type this email. Thank you for those who have donated toward this project. The big expense is down the road. The bore hole should be finished today or tomorrow. We have received enough funds to finish this first phase. When I get to it I’ll post the

Water is very unreliable to our area of the city. Last week we only had water coming out of the taps one night. Normally water comes 2-3 nights per week. When it comes it begins around 1 or 2 a.m. and is off before 8 a.m. So that doesn’t give much time. Just imagine operating a school of 200 student with water one night/week for 2 a.m. until 7 a.m. Fortunately we have a rain tank but the rain tank is drained sometimes at night because our neighbors don’t have water either. Fortunately it has been raining regularly. The Water drilling might drain our tank today.
DS Conference:
Thank you for your prayers. We had a good DS and Regional Leaders Conference in Malaysia. The District Superintendents were challenged to return to their district and really make a difference. I met and made friends with a DS from one of the Creative Access Countries. When he shared his testimony with me I was really challenged. He is my age and was saved at 12 years old. He was the first believer in his family and was saved by talking with his Christian Classmate. His parents forbid him to attend church and so he was prohibited from attending church until he was 21 years old, when he could finally make up his own mind.
The mission statement of our Church is: “To Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations.” We were challenged to make Christ-like disciples and to live like Christ, and what does that look like in our contexts.
Your partners in His Ministry,
George & Nancy Miller
PO Box 712, Honiara, Solomon Islands
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