Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for your prayers.
On 15th of January I left by ship to travel to Auki and then on to Northeast Malaita to dedicate a new church [see below]. It was a wonderful trip. I traveled over on the Bikoi and returned on a new small ship (or maybe large boat), 360 Discovery. The Discovery is a passenger vessel and very fast, making the trip in a mere 3 hours. I praise the Lord for this ship. I understand they just began the service at Christmas time, but when I went to Malaita was the first time I heard about it. They have daily service to Malaita which is
very handy for our work because now I can go for a one day trip or meeting and return next day without having to pay the high air fares. It will be handy if we have teams visit because we can take a one-day excursion trip. The sea on the return trip was rough however and a number of people became sea sick. I also praise the Lord that I am not bothered by motion sickness. The Bikoi ship travels once weekly to Auki and then to the Western Province. I thank the Lord for the Bikoi ship as it is owned and operated by a Christian
man and friend who allows us to transport cargo for ministry or pastors belongings free. That is a huge saving when we move equipment and relocate a pastor. Also our pastors have an opportunity to hold devotional services for the fellow passengers on board the Bikoi while enroute.
New church plants,
I returned Wednesday 20th January from this trip to Malaita. I went there for the dedication and opening of a new church named Bethany. The Bethany church of the Nazarene is located at the village of Anasao in Northeast Malaita. Our Bethel church, led by pastor Joel Sada, and his nephew Stephen Miki, is the mother church of this new church. This was the smallest church building I have ever seen, and has a maximum seating capacity of 24. I think with children we crowded 30 or so into the building for the opening
service. The opening Sunday I counted 70 people, over half of them were standing outside. They had erected a tent to have the meeting in because they were expecting a number of visitors. Due to the heavy rains the ground was wet under the tent so we only used it for the food. Sunday morning the rain stopped and it was a beautiful day until the program was over.
John Lofta, the head man of this place who invited the Nazarene Church into his area was sick for two weeks before our arrival. He was so excited to have us come that as soon as we arrived he was encouraged and got up from his sick bed and I actually didn’t realize he had been sick until we left his village. Once I was told that he had been sick I thought that he didn’t act all perky. Pray for John and his family.
Tautaumalefo:I went back to Auki and visited another area where they are beginning a new church, Tautaumalefo, where a Bible College Student Revelation Kalia, is pastor. They are struggling trying to get the church going there. This is among Revelations in-laws.
Then Sunday, 24th a group visited our Honiara Zion Church from the village of Masupa in the Are’are area on Malaita. They have been holding prayer cell meetings and are starting a church in their village. This village is the home of the wives of, Jeremiah, our Zion Church pastor and, Osborn, our district NMI president. These family connections are instrumental in getting the work going there. There have been students from there attend our Bible College too.
Please pray for these new works.
Zion Christian Academy:
ZCA began classes yesterday, Monday 25th. Nancy is the Principal of the school again this year. She is also going to be teaching High school English for half the day. Last year her main goal for the school was to get the school out of debt and she accomplished that paying off the SB $300,000 debt (US $40,000). At the end of last year all bills were paid and we had SB $6,000 (US $800) in the bank. This year her goal is to work on the procedures as some of them were a little lax last year. Pray for her, as she has a tough job. There are challenges with getting teachers to come to work on time, and toward the end of last year it was discovered that there was cheating among some of the students, and the student record keeping needs help too. Pray for Nancy as she faces these challenges
Office Secretary:
One of our devout members has retired after 21 years with NPF (National Provident Fund-equivalent to our US Social Security). We have hired her on as a secretary. She will serve where needed. She will assist Nancy in the school as well as in the District/Mission office. She will bring a lot of experience as she desires to serve the mission.
Water Project:
Here is an update on the water project. WE have completed the well house and are obtaining estimates for the pumps. We are looking at solar pumps which will cost more initially but should quickly recoup the money, especially considering our electric rate. We have constructed a stand for one tank and are ready to work on the second stand. We need a couple days of dry weather now, but as much as we have been without water, we are not complaining. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project.
Pastor and Family Needs Prayer:
Please pray for one of my recent Bible College Graduate pastor’s family. This pastor committed adultery with a high school student. This is also one of the things I had to deal with when I went to Malaita. I am in tears about this deal, and I need your prayers. Enough said about this request. Pray especially for his wife who just delivered a healthy baby girl around Christmas.
Your partner in His Ministry,
George & Nancy Miller
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