The Zion Church of the Nazarene, Honiara, held an Easter Camp over the Easter weekend.
Easter is a time of memorial, to remember and reflect upon the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Hannah Konainao, a lead singer on the worship team, reports, “Easter weekend at church was a blessed time for me which has really helped me understand the real meaning of Easter and how our Savior, Jesus Christ, really sacrificed his heart to die as a physical being for us. I was really challenged.” [The picture is of the youth group, Hannah is the one in the center of this photo holding the mic.]

The Easter camp began on Thursday evening, with our men’s fellowship group leading the worship service. The men presented the first of a number of dramas during the camp. The men’s drama portrayed the Last Supper of Jesus. The men did a good job portraying Jesus as the servant leader, who ministered to the disciples even washing their feet.

On Good Friday the NYI (Nazarene Youth International) led the worship. The worship time began with a family communion service.
[Each family took communion as a family unit and a pastor prayed God's blessing over each one, as they came to the altar as a family.]

The youth presented their drama of the crucifixion of Jesus. This was such a powerful act that those present could all feel the presence of Jesus. The message came through with such power that everyone present was in tears. It was hard to hold back the tears. It was totally awesome.

Saturday we had group discussion classes. The youth and men class was taught by Brother Dickson Manongi, and the women group was led by Nancy Miller.

There was also a children’s program and the girls learned how to do flower arrangements, which beautified the church for Easter Sunday morning. The boys painted Easter sign boards, which were displayed in church on Easter Sunday also. The young children colored pictured. There was something for all ages at the camp. Saturday night the Sunday School led the worship service.

Easter Sunday service began early with a sunrise service. It was a beautiful time with the Lord. They put on the drama of the ladies going to the empty tomb. Then during the morning worship time led by the women’s ministry we had the drama of the resurrection of Jesus. Then we once again celebrated the Lord’s Supper. The Sunday evening service was the final service at Zion.
Monday, following Easter is a Public Holiday too in the Solomon Islands, so we took the entire church to the beach. We spent the day relaxing, picnicking, and swimming. It was a fun time to be together and fellowship with the church family.
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