Let me take you on a tour around the beautiful campus of Philippine Nazarene College better known as PNC, formerly Luzon Nazarene Bible College (LNBC).
In the above photo Nancy and I are standing in front of the sign board with the administration building in the background
This is the front of the administration building. Everything is either up or down. Not really handicap accessible and it is challenging for Nancy. But we have daily exercise.
This building houses the classrooms for the college and the high school rooms as well as the computer lab, library, and some offices including mine.
There is the outside of the chaplains office. Actually now my office has moved to the door on the right. The other office is for the guidance counselor.

The is the covered walkway path going down to where we live. The building through the trees is the college girls' dorm (three level), the bottom floor houses the elementary school. Our apartment is on the second floor and on the right side of the building.
Here is Nancy walking up the path. Notice the play ground equipment on the left side of the photo. This is for the preschool children. The sidewalk going to the left goes to the Kindergarten and Preparatory classes.
Daily when it is fine weather the school day begins with calisthenics, flag salute, and national anthem.
The blue roofed building in the background is the boys' dorm. The girls' dorm is on the right side. Our apartment door is near the basketball court, about 5 meters behind the goal post.
We have a ring-side seat for many activities on campus.
This is the other direction from our house and you see the awning from the covered walkway behind the students.
The building through the trees on the left is the dining hall on top and the Kindy and Prep classes below.
Here everything is up and down and so you have many buildings that are two or more levels with doors from each level at ground level.
This is just a beautiful photo.
The day I took these photos the third grade class was leading, so the student raised on the cement as well as those in front are from the third grade and their teacher is dressed in navy blue, near the front, supporting and encouraging them.
They do their exercises and national anthem to the CD music.
The elementary students are in pink and the High School students on the left are wearing white shirts/blouses.
This photo is of the high school students with the third grade boy directing.
Here is a photo of the high school students receiving recognition for their achievements at a recent contest held at our school campus.
The two following photos are of the same.
Nancy is resting at a gazebo in from of the administration building.
The following photo is from a different direction and shows the administration building in the background
This is the inside of the campus chapel (College Church). The mark in the floor was made by a huge earthquake that hit Baguio some years ago. But we have annual earthquake drills preparing in the event of another big one.
This photo and the following shows the back of the administration building after a typhoon and strong wind passed through. We lost a few trees.
See the guard rail damage on top the building.
This is a view of the valley below our campus.
These three photos are a different view of the valley below and is the farming area. We farm vegetables and if you look closely you can see the large coverings or green houses.
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