Update on Nancy:
Nancy is continually improving. She now has an oxygen concentrator, thanks to our son Gary for bringing it. She is on oxygen all the time. When she was in Manila and we traveled down the mountain where the Oxygen level is higher her pO2 level was normal. So she did not need O2 in the low lands until she walked and exerted herself. Continue to pray for her and her strength.
About Micah:
When I last wrote a prayer letter our grand daughter Micah was taken to the hospital with bleeding. They put her through a lot of tests and could not find the problem so we thank you so much for your prayers and the Lord's healing touch. The doctors do not know where the blood was coming from but she is totally all right.
Our ministry in Philippine Islands is coming to an end.
We have had a truly wonderful experience here. It has been so awesome serving here. We felt God's call to come to Philippine Nazarene College and we have felt the love and support of those here. It is so wonderful passing through the campus and having students and staff come and greet us. I went into the Kindergarten class this week to talk with the teacher and the students stood up and said "Pastor George" and then they came and huddled around me and hugged me and many said, "Pastor George I love you". We have definitely felt the love from everyone.
With Nancy's illness it is so wonderful as different students have come by and cooked our meals. Of course they eat with us too. When you are a people person that definitely demonstrates love and it has been awesome.
We still have classes we're teaching in the college (George - Old Testament Survey and Nancy - English Plus [This is an English remedial class for those with poor English skills]) and a religious education class in the grade 6 and these classes will be going on until the day we are ready to depart the campus. So be in prayer for us that all my students' assignments will be submitted on time because 2 days after finals we will be leaving and I don't want straggling papers that I need to grade and submit via email from the USA.
We will be departing PNC on 14th of October. We will attend a Missionary/leadership Conference and then will be departing Manila in route to the USA on the 29th of October. Pray for Nancy but this conference will be at sea level and should be more conducive to her health.
George's Birthday.
My birthday is the 10th of October and that is the magic date (65th) or the beginning of our retirement. I will celebrate this in Philippines so we have a lot of parties coming up immediately before we leave. I'm preaching my last sermon here in the College Church on Oct. 11th (With birthday dinner following service - I and the pastor's husband's birthday is on the 10th also). My last college chapel where I will be preaching will be on October 6. October 7 will be the last High School chapel, and the elementary chapels. During the last college chapel of the semester Oct 8th, the college president will preach but we will say our farewells and share in communion with the students and staff. On Friday, Oct 9th we will have cake and noodles for the students and staff to celebrate my birthday.
Our Final Home Assignment.
- If you want us to share on your district or in your church please notify us.
- To see our current (confirmed) schedule check out our blog: http://georgeandnancymiller.blogspot.com {Our schedule is posted on our home information.} We would love to visit with you if we are in your part of the woods during our travels.
- We have a need for a vehicle.
- We have the need for a home. We can rent or purchase.
- We will start our services in November 2015, and as long as we have health and the passion we will be woking for the Kingdom (and Grand Children which is also Kingdom work). We will be touring for the church, in an official deputation capacity for one year, before actual retirement at 66 years old.
- Join us in prayer as we find another niche where we can serve our Master.
HIS Servants in the vineyard,
George & Nancy Miller
Philippine Nazarene College
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