Nancy Jane Sides -
9th Grade Salutatorian Address
May 16, 1967

There was a time when men were faced with conquering a wilderness. That was a real venture in faith and high ideals. Men were willing to endure hardships because of their convictions.
Did they leave us anything to conquer? They never thought that the conditions of life ought to be anything but a challenge. They did not subscribe to the philosophy that power is the goal of government and pleasure the goal of the people. Work was honored as a virtue. With every man on his own they grew up a feeling of equality and the right to self-government.
They left us everything to conquer! We must conquer self! We must be industrious; we must continue to mold our characters by self -reliance, courage, and faith in God.
We live in a day of crisis! But not of economic power. We have potential power! This is not a crisis of defense. We have potential strength if God is on our side.
This is a crisis of the inward spirit of man! Will we as a class have the spirit of greatness?
Fellow classmate we must dedicate ourselves to freedom and to greatness in our generation. But we must remember that such a dedication carries with it stern discipline and unavoidable responsibilities.
It means a challenge to each individual to strive to make the most of his abilities and talents.
Such a dedication would demand self-reliance and self-discipline.
John Adams stated that freedom requires that each individual conduct himself so that his life demonstrates the dignity of man and the noble rank men hold among the works of providence.
This is the meaning of freedom and these are its responsibilities in our time.
I want to thank all the teachers who have helped instill in each one of us these responsibilities. I consider it a privilege to stand up to the responsibilities and be a citizen of a free country.
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