Saturday, March 28, 2009

Follow-up of Western Province Trip (May15/08)

This is my first attempt, hopefully it will get better & faster the more practice I get.  If I can figure out things like text wrap around and changing font size, etc. etc. – George 

Dear prayer partners,

We returned Monday from the trip to the Western Province.  This letter is a follow-up report.  Thank you for your prayers.

 Trip to Western Province,

We rejoice that the flights, both international and domestic, were on time.  Our missionary colleagues, James Johnson, Dr. Becky Morsch, Harmon Schmelzenbach, and daughter Danielle traveled to Solomon Islands from the country of Vanuatu.  Vanuatu is an island nation and our neighboring country to the Southeast of Solomon's.  They were in Vanuatu as part of their three nation investigating tour.   In Vanuatu they traveled with the Potter's and Isaac's, missionaries in Vanuatu, to the island of Aniwa, where they have a new church plant.  They arrived in Honiara on time and once through customs we had an hour to make the domestic connection for our flight to Gizo, in the Western Province.   Gizo is the Provincial capital and is located on an island by the same name.  The airport is not on Gizo island but is located on a very small island a short distance across the bay from town.  The only building located on this island is the airport office.  Flying in for a landing you see a small island with a runway going the entire length of the islands.  There is not much land on the sides of the runway.  In other words the airport and runway pretty much utilizes this entire rectangular shaped island.

 George Mairy and Zoti Family

Highlights of the Trip: 

Once at the airport we were met by some of our church members.  John Zoti came to meet us from our church at Vilorae and Hudson with Kendrick came to meet us from Vella la Vella.  We then went to Gizo to find a place to meet together as Hudson wanted to share his report about his mission work on the island of Vella.  (His report will come in another letter.  Continue to pray for them there.)  While we were sitting down visiting in the Gizo hotel, Salome Karibule, came by for a visit.  Salome is a relative of the people at the places where our two new churches are located.  Monday, Whit Monday, was a national holiday, and so as a school teacher she was free to travel with us.  Pray for Salome, who as a widow is raising her four children.  Her husband passed away in July 2006.  She has two daughters and a son in high school, and then a young son around 5 years old.  Mairy Walesara, our district treasurer, was also part of this team.

Salome Karibule in service under yellow tent.

At Vilorae: (We heard some wonderful testimonies)


Worship in Vilorae

Healing Miracle of Merilyn Zoti:

This happened on the 23rd December during the Christmas Week when Merilyn was in her garden a severe lightning storm suddenly came up and before she could find shelter, she was struck by lightning.  She doesn't know how she returned home, as she doesn't remember anything after the lightning struck her. Somehow she walked to the kitchen.  Her daughter saw her, that she didn't act normal and asked, "Mother, how are you?"  Merilyn did not, or maybe could not answer.  She just laid down and ceased movement.  She was for all practical purposes, dead.  The pastor came and they prayed for her.  She then woke up but she was stiff and could not turn her head.

Meanwhile her husband, John, went to the neighboring islands to purchase some mixed petrol (gas for you from USA) for his chain saw.  Everyone was out of fuel, but he finally located a woman who had 5 L.  She did not want to sell her last fuel, but John persuaded her to sell the fuel to him.  This was providential because John returned to his village, where his wife had just been struck by lightning.  This fuel was just the amount needed to get a motor boat to take them to the hospital.

Merilyn was transported to the hospital where she was administered IV drip.  She was only given ½ of the first bag when she woke up and she sat up and exclaimed, "I'm hungry!"  They gave her something to eat.  She still could not turn her head very well.  The doctor said, "She would probably survive, but would have paralyses from the injury."  The doctor was surprised when she left the hospital in one week and she was completely healed. 


 John and Merilyn Zoti

Testimony of John Zoti:

John got married and for 35 years he was following the world and its desires.  When he was married, his wife was a Christian, and he lied to her that he too was a Christian.  After their marriage he returned to his former life.  He was very unsettled and would leave his wife weeks at a time.  When our Jesus Film Team went to Vilorae, he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  Now he is happy and his family respects him.  Before they were not a happy family and there was no respect.

John told me that he use to leave his wife, but he said that now God has restored his love for his wife and he said, "My love for her now is just like when we were young and ready to get married."

 Vilorae - Whirlwind

As in the Bible times, names have meanings and places were given those names intentionally.  On this trip I found out that Vilorae means "whirlwind" or "disturbance" or "unsettled".  This is how Vilorae was before they met the Lord.  This place was a place where the people were not settled and were very unstable.  They were in a whirlwind of unrest.  Now they are completely transformed by the power of God, and they have peace and quiet in HIM.

 Iriiri Pasapasa Church

Worship in Iriiri Pasapasa

 Simi, the patriarch of the Iriiri Pasapasa community

On Saturday we left Vilorae and traveled through the lagoon to the island of Kohingo and the village of Iriiri Pasapasa.  We had services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning and held the CBHC survey on Sunday afternoon amid heavy rain.  It was good to be there, worshipping with them.  Iriiri Pasapasa means "bitter well", and even though the water from the well may be bitter, our prayer is that the living water will flow through this place and as the seed of the gospel has been planted here we pray it will grow and mature.  This community like Vilorae has been very unsettled.  Most villages in the Solomon's has their church.  In the past they have tried to start various denominations in Iriiri Pasapasa but these churches didn't last.  We pray that they will depend on Jesus and grow in Him, after all it is Jesus who will grow His church.

Salome, who came with us, said this was the first time she had visited these villages where her relatives live.  She was encouraged and happy to see how her relatives have come to Christ now.  Mairy, who went with us and is also from the Western Province, was so encouraged as she witnessed how the Lord was moving among these people.

For our meals here we were treated to some of the largest crabs I have ever seen.  They were huge.  This is just the outside blessing of being a missionary.

 CBHC Survey:


Mairy and Dr. Becky Morsch

As we did our CBHC survey to try to assess the greatest needs of the community.  Many needs were mentioned, but the number one need and problem they said was the lack of cooperation and working together as a community.  Please uphold these communities is prayer.

 Jimmy Kwaisui – Prayer Needs


Jimmy Kwaisui

Jimmy was planning on returning to Honiara this week, but there was no ship.  He is stranded in Noro, awaiting ship.  Please pray for him.  Many times when our plans are changed we see the hand of God through it all.  Jimmy called and said that God has opened up doors in Noro for him to minister and possibly start a church.  It looks like we will be able to secure land in Noro.  Pray for a new church plant in this town.  This is one of the main towns in the Western Province.  It has a commercial wharf and has easy access to an airport at another town Munda, which is located on the same island, New Georgia.

Your Partner in His Ministry,

George Miller

PO Box 712

Honiara, Solomon Islands

677 25 109

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