Dear Prayer Supporters,
Nancy's luggage arrived on Sunday two days before the beginning of our assembly. The last email was a false one. We received the phone call from the airport that her luggage was there, but when we arrived we saw a bag that had tags on it with her name but the bag belonged to someone else. I was then rushed in printing off everything for the assembly, because Nancy was bringing toner for my printer in her luggage. They were all out of stock in town.
Thanks for your prayers. The district assembly and meetings were awesome. God moved in marvelous ways.
We are battling against principalities and forces of darkness. The enemy tried many ways to disrupt the program. When Harmon arrived he said, "I don't know what you are facing, but I have had two near deaths coming here today." Thank you for your prayers as Harmon was driving to the airport at around 4 a.m. he met a truck driving fast and taking up the whole road. Somehow he miraculously passed without hitting. Then the plane made two rough approaches to the airport and aborted the landing due to heavy rains and bad weather. The pilot said they would try one more time before returning to Fiji. Harmon prayed and you were praying and the final landing was very frightening, but successful. Harmon said in all his flying he had never experienced a landing like that one.
It was a joy to see a couple attending our meetings from the heathen people. God is helping us to breakthrough. This man testified that this was the first time in his life that he had been into civilization like Honiara, and the very first time that he has ever eaten with his wife. In their customs the men never eat with women and the men never even eat food prepared by a woman. It is hard to believe but the woman testified that every month during their period they have to go into the bush away for the family and spend 10 days in the bush in isolation fending for themselves. Then when it is near time to deliver a baby they have to the bush 2 miles or so from family and they deliver the baby there with the help of another woman. They stay for 40 days before they return to the family. Even while at home the woman never goes to where the husband is staying. One man Daddy Jacob, who I spoke about during our deputation services for those who attended our service, was here. He too was from the heathen tribe and still held many of their heathen ways before his salvation. He slept in our home on the first floor in our classroom and his daughter stayed in our upstairs part of the house. After that first night he told me, "I'm happy to be following the LORD because if I was still following Satan, he would have killed me last night for sleeping in a room below the room of a woman. I just mentioned those stories to let you know how Satan has blinded people. There were many other heathen people who planned to come but we had torrential rains and flooding. From the one area they need to ford 7 rivers to reach the road. The shortest way they would make about 20 crossing of a river.
It is hard for me to put into words the work the Lord has done in my own heart. I am a changed individual. I have been intensely doing the work and carrying out the programs, but now I want to seek God's will. We have the JF ministry and it has been quite successful. We have been blessed with the generous funding from the harvest partners for which we are thankful. Pray for us this week and we re-focus and re-evaluate that ministry. All the JF Team leaders and many members are here for this training meeting. Now this training meeting will be more of a prayer, fasting, and waiting upon God meeting. We will look at the accomplishments of the ministry, but we want to hear from God this week. We as a district are now going to focus on Jesus and not on a program. We [or I] have not primarily been seeking his will. I definitely want to follow him. Please remember us in your prayers. Particularly pray for Jimmy Kwaisui, the JF coordinator, as we meet and prayerfully decide what changes need to be made.
There are many other victories from the assembly, like we gave Minister's licenses to 13 [12 men and 1 woman].
Also pray for Alick Hagi. Alick was our NYI president last year. He leaves today for a three month tour of Japan, India, and other nations in the 10/40 window. He is leading a group of Solomon Island youth on this mission. Pray that he will be a blessing and have many opportunities to share the gospel.
Pray for our newly elected officers. Revelation Kalia was elected NYI president. Osborne Fagea was elected NMI president. Both of these men have not held these posts before.
Pray for Barnabas Siru, as he ministers to the heathen people of West Kwaio; and Jeremy Lasimae, and Benjamin Kwaisui, as these two men minister to the heathen people of East Kwaio. Where they are going there are no churches and it is very primitive.
"Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days,which ye will not believe, though it be told you." Habakkuk 1:5
Your Partner in His Ministry,
George Miller
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