As I'm sitting here on Sunday morning having my quiet time and prayer, I am so thankful for a prayer partner like you who partner with us in HIS ministry through prayer. We serve a great big God who unites us into HIS family. Thank you again.
Bible College:
Thank you for your prayers for Bible College class. We had 20 different students attend one or both of the Bible College courses taught during the past two weeks. It was a wonderful success but very tiring. We will be holding Bible College Board meeting tomorrow (Monday).
Geoff and Churie:
Thank you for your prayers for Geoff and Churie. We have received many letters assuring us of your prayers. I will keep you informed from time to time. They have found a house to live in, since they close on their house on the first of July. They will be living by the SNU (Southern Nazarene University) campus. It is actually an SNU rent house. Most of Geoffrey's work as a paint contractor is in the Bethany area and with the rising price of fuel it is a blessing to have a house close to his work.
They are still planning on coming to the Solomon Islands, but will have to delay until after their baby is born, due to the U/S indicating a problem with their baby girl. We are praying for a miracle and that the next U/S will be AOK. Continue to remember them in prayer.
Youth Camp:
Our Solomon Islands district youth camp officially begins next Sunday 29th June and goes through 6th July. Youth have already begun arriving for this camp, because ship schedules and transportation is a problem. Last night I picked up 13 people at the wharf who traveled from E. Kwaio. It took them nearly 5 days in traveling to get here. They live in the mountain, so they had to go to the seaside to await a ship. They left their home on Tuesday early morning and arrived late last night (Saturday). They spent two days on the beach and the rest of the time walking down the mountain and aboard ship. Pray for the rest of the youth as they travel from across the district. Nancy fixed breakfast this morning for 20. She fixed pancakes and it was the first time most had tasted pancakes as well as the first time many had been in a "European" home.
Trade Show/Year of the Bible:
Our Government has declared this year 2008 as "The Year of the Bible". Pray for the activities planned for this year. There is a trade show planned for July 1-11. Please remember this in your prayers. Our own Nazarene Member, Cornelius Donga, now works for the Government and the trade show falls under his area of responsibility. Pray for Cornelius and has team as they prepare for this magnificent event. During the trade show there will be a stage dedicated to "The year of the Bible". The churches will take turns and work together to provide programming for this. Pray for this time that God will bring a great revival to the Solomon's. Our time to have the morning devotion is Thursday 3rd July. Also are denomination is responsible for the evening service on July 3rd too. As you see from the above the timing coincides with our youth camp, and so pray for us as we find transportation and facilitate taking our youth to the trade show for this program. Our Jesus Film Team is responsible for the Christian movie that will be shown every night, following the evening service.
Thursday 3rd during the day the Church of the Nazarene will be working with the United Church and others to provide programming.
There are many other activities planned and this will be a busy time. I do not have time to mention everything but on Sunday the 6th July will be the launching and dedication of the Pijin Bible. Pray for this. We are so grateful to have the whole Bible in Pijin. Pray for the shipping schedule as the Pijin Bibles are scheduled to arrive at the wharf on July 3rd. Pray that there will be fine weather so the ship is not delayed.
Prices, strikes, and the like:
I filled up with diesel yesterday and almost swallowed my tongue when the price was $12.38/liter. (US $1.64/litre or around US $6.50/US Gal.) Of course with the drastic rise in fuel prices everything is going up. I don't know how people are going to pay for their food. The government has raised minimum wage from $2/hour to $5/hour (US $0.66). Bus fare has doubled in price. Pray for people around the world who are really being squeezed during these crises.
Telekom (the sole telecommunication provider) went on strike. Soon after their strike began Westpac Bank (our bank) lost their telephones and their computer is down. Our funding comes over through the telecommunication system. Pray that this can be resolved.
The Public Servants a couple of days ago gave the Government 14 days to address their grievances primarily due to this rapid inflation or else they will go on strike. If that happens that will include all the air port workers, health workers, teachers, etc. etc.
Nancy planned trip to Australia:
Nancy is planning a trip to Brisbane and will be gone from 7th to 14th of July. She is going to attend an ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) conference. Pray for our Christian school (Zion Christian Academy) and the Zion Church of the Nazarene.
Your Partner in His Ministry,
George Miller
PO Box 712
Honiara, Solomon Islands
677 25 109
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