Sunday, March 29, 2009

Felicity Update and More

29 March 2009


Dear Prayer Partner,

I am in Nadi, Fiji Islands waiting for my flight back to Honiara on Tuesday 31st.  I have been without Internet connection for a few days, but am hoping to connect soon.  The power was out here and so Internet was not working.  I thought I was back in Honiara.  The interesting thing was last Tuesday when we got into the airport in Nadi to transfer to our flight to Apia, Western Samoa, the power went down and the computers went out.  We were the first in the long line of waiting passengers.  Then early this morning when I returned to Nadi, I was waiting for the hotel bus, when I heard the announcement on the intercom that due to power outage and system failure there would be would be a long undetermined delay in checking in passengers.  Living in Honiara power disruptions are regular occurrences for us and they seem quite normal.  I cannot figure out what all the fuss is about. 

I’ve learned to be patient and enjoy the added opportunity to socialize.  Last Tuesday, after the long wait, and I think the airline waited as long as they dared before checking people in using the manual method.  The lady asked me, “Would you like a window seat, or an aisle seat?”  I replied, “It really doesn’t matter to me, you just choose one for me.”  She chose me the very best seat (in economy class) on the plane.  It was seat 35A, a window seat, in the exit row.  Row 34, the row in front of me, was a short row with only two seats to make more room for the emergency exit so in front of my seat there was no seat, so I had lots of leg room.  Perfect!



Felicity and Churie came home to Honiara on Thursday.  Thank you for your prayers.  The Pseudomonas infection was cleared up, but she was still taking some oral and topical medicine.  Thanks also to those in Australia that helped them at the Bible College and with transport to and from airport and hospital.  Continue your prayers for Geoff and Churie and their family.  I will write you another update soon after I get to Honiara.


New Blog:

I have got a new blog set up but I have not yet made a post to it.  I was helped once again by my wonderful missionary niece Danielle Schmelzenbach and will be posting things soon to this blog.  The current web site and blog will be set to redirect you to this new site.  Our new missionary web site of the South Pacific Family and new look should be ready to be launched well before General Assembly.  I want to thank all of you who have taken advantage of the web as the South Pacific Family site has had over 45,000 hits since it’s launching.  New Blog:  Check it out in a week or two and it should have something for you to see.  Once it is really ready I’ll change the blog in our address with this new one.


Thanks for your prayers and support.

Your partners in HIS Ministry,

George & Nancy Miller

PO Box 712

Honiara, Solomon Islands

Phone: (677)25-109

Mobile: (677)68-920




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